This book highlights the approaches for achieving trans-disciplinary research integration for “semi-arid dryland agriculture systems” under changing climates, while also identifying the elements of a collaborative research agenda that are needed to advance global food security. The book emphasizes climate change being a reality and how drylands are bearing the brunt in diverse ways. The major impact of dryland agriculture is on communities that need to: avoid the short- and long-term impacts of the changing climate; adapt strategies that can minimize these impacts; and be able to mitigate climate change, for which they need climate smart interventions. These interventions are only realized through knowledge and experience sharing among stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds. It is in this context that the publication was seen as a necessity in order to bring together ideas that will transform lives and build adaptation capacities, thereby providing the much-needed productsin communities leading to development
Mục lục
Climate Resilient Rainfed Agriculture – Experiences from India.- Examining the potential impacts of agro-meteorology initiatives for climate change adaptation and food security in Bhutan.- Climate Change Mitigation: In situ management methods of Indigenous fruit trees in Chivi communal area, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe.- The effect of temperature and rainfall changes on biophysical and socio-economic status of people in Northern Jordan valley drylands, Palestine.- An Assessment of Meteorological Drought Variability in representative areas of Rajasthan.- Building Resilience to Effects of Climate Change on Food Security: A Case Study of Female Headed Households in Arid Region of Buhera District, Zimbabwe.- Halophytes of Semi-Arid Areas: Resources for Mitigation of Climate Change.- Selection of resilient crop species for cultivation under projected climate change Livestock based production systems for Climate Adaptation in Dryland Areas.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Dr. Xavier Poshiwa obtained his Ph.D. in Rangeland Ecology in 2013 from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He worked at University of Zimbabwe Marondera College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, now Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology as a Senior Lecturer. He was appointed Acting Dean of Studies in October 2014 up to October 7, 2019, and Acting Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology from January 2019 to February 2020. He moved to Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, in March 2020 and is Substantive Dean of the Gary Magadzire School of Agriculture. He took part in various collaborative research programs since 2000.
Dr. G. Ravindra Chary is Former Director (Acting), Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, and presently Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture in Indian Council of Agriculture Research. He obtained B.Sc. (Agriculture) and M.Sc. (Agronomy) from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU), Hyderabad, and Ph.D. from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bengaluru. Initially, he worked at Indian Institute of Pulses Research, and National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning. He has made significant contributions in rainfed agriculture research, development, and policy including climate-resilient rainfed agriculture; manual for drought management in India; land use planning in watersheds; carbon sequestration strategies in rainfed production systems; district agriculture contingency plans for 650 districts in India and real-time implementation; and assessment and upscaling of rainfed technologies/climate-resilient practices.