Yoshiko Nozaki is Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Roger Openshaw has a Personal Chair in Education History at Massey University at Palmerston North in New Zealand. Allan Luke is Professor of Education at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
5 Ebooks bởi Yoshiko Nozaki
Darren M. O’Hern & Yoshiko Nozaki: Natural Science Education, Indigenous Knowledge, and Sustainable Development in Rural and Urban Schools in Kenya
Through a multi-sited qualitative study of three Kenyan secondary schools in rural Taita Hills and urban Nairobi, the volume explores the ways the dichotomy between “Western” and “indigenous” knowled …
Yoshiko Nozaki: War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan
The controversy over official state-approved history textbooks in Japan, which omit or play down many episodes of Japan’s occupation of neighbouring countries during the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945), …
Yoshiko (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA) Nozaki: War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan
The controversy over official state-approved history textbooks in Japan, which omit or play down many episodes of Japan’s occupation of neighbouring countries during the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945), …
Yoshiko (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA) Nozaki: War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan
The controversy over official state-approved history textbooks in Japan, which omit or play down many episodes of Japan’s occupation of neighbouring countries during the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945), …
Yoshiko Nozaki & Roger Openshaw: Struggles over Difference
Disrupts popular myths about education in Asia and the Pacific. Winner of the 2006 AERA Division B Outstanding Book Award Struggles over Difference addresses education, schools, textbooks, and pedago …