Tác giả: Zhihua Zhang

Ủng hộ
​Prof. Zhihua Zhang is a full professor of climate change at Beijing Normal University, China. He has published more than fifty first-authored research articles and three first-authored Elsevier/Springer/De Gruyter monographs. Prof. Zhang has appointed as the associate editor/editorial board member of several ISI-JCR journals including Arabian Journal of Geosciences (IF=1.2), EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (IF=1.9), PLo S One(IF=3.0), Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=5.7), and International Journal of Global Warming(IF=0.6). Dr. Nabil Khélifi holds a B.Sc. in Natural Sciences (2001) and an M.Sc. in Earth & Environmental Sciences (2004). He received fellowships from START (2005) and DAAD (2006–2010) to continue with his Ph.D. studies in Marine Geosciences at the University of Kiel, Germany. After completing his Ph.D. in 2010, he received a postdoctoral research grant from the DFG to pursue his self-designed projects at GEOMAR Kiel, which involved reconstructing past changes in oceanography and climate in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. He subsequently published his research findings in prominent scientific journals. Dr. Khélifi also received funding from ESF to co-organize two Workshops on Pliocene climate in Bordeaux, France (2009) and Bristol, UK (2013). In early 2014 he received the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship to continue with his research at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Although his interest in scientific research remained strong, in March 2014 he decided to pursue his career as a Senior Editor with Springer in Heidelberg, Germany. He is mainly responsible for developing Springer’s program in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA). The program currently consists of developing 18 academic journals and publishing numerous scientific books each year. Dr. Khélifi also helps researchers in MENA countries publish their work by delivering educational seminars for authors, reviewers, and journal editors to help improve their publication output and quality. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Carthage, Tunisia and King Saud University, KSA. Most recently, Dr. Khélifi was awarded the 2016 Africa Green Future Leadership Award in recognition of work contributing to sustainable development by advancing science and promoting publications in Africa and the Middle East. In 2017 Dr. Khélifi launched the first Springer conference dedicated to promoting the Euro-Mediterranean environmental integration. Dr. Mezghani Abdelkader is a research scientist at the Climate and Model Analysis group, MET Norway. The main work at MET Norway has been on the development of new empirical-statistical climate downscaling methods and techniques that relates regional and global climate model results to local precipitation and temperature through generalized linear regression models. He acted as a MET leader in CHASE-PL project (2014-2017). Currently, he is involved in the C3S DECMproject by developing a prototype for COPENICUS services on how to evaluate Big-Data from climate model simulations. He is also the co-developer of a the “ESD” R package which contains a set of libraries to visualise and downscale climate variables and parameters using advanced methods such as Empirical-Orthogonal Function (EOF), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). His research expertise has addressed three different scales: synoptic, regional, and local scales with a particular interest on the interactions and associated uncertainties between them. Before joining MET Norway, Dr. Mezghani received his Ph. D. in Environmental Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL, 2009). Before joining MET Norway, he worked as a as a Post-doc at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, 2009-2012) working on site at the Hydro-meterology, Climate and Impact group at the university of Grenoble (LTHE, 2009). had various international contributions in the CLIMAT project (Switzerland-Luxembourg, 2007), the European SWURVE project (Switzerland, 2005), RIWER2030 (France, 2009), OFEN (Switzerland, 2008), and CONSECRU (Switzerland, 2006). Key research areas Climate Change – Downscaling of Climate information – Statistical Analyses – R shiny web applications for climate models” evaluation .Dr. Essam Heggy is a Research Scientist at the Microwave Systems, Sensors and Imaging Lab (Mi XIL), at the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California and affiliate of the Rosetta project at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Heggy obtained both his MSc. and Ph.D. respectively in 1999 and 2002 with distinguished honors from the Paris VI University in France (UPMC-Sorbonne). His research focuses on understanding water evolution in Earth’s arid environments as well as planetary surfaces using radar surface and subsurface characterization methods. His research particularly focuses on understanding volatile evolution in the North African Sahara and Arabian Peninsula, as well as Mars, the Moon, Jovian Icy satellites and Near-Earth Objects. His work involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements in terrestrial and planetary environments using different types of radar imaging and sounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic properties of rocks in the radar frequency range. He is currently a member of the science team of the MARSIS instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter (2003-present), the Mini-SAR experiment aboard Chandrayaan-1, the Mini-RF experiment on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (2008-present), the CONSERT radar experiment aboard the Rosetta mission (2004-present) and the WISDOM GPR onboard Exo Mars 2020 Rover (2008 to Present). He also edited a special JGR-Planets (AGU) volume on terrestrial and planetary radars. He is on the founding editorial board of the Journal of Arctic Geoscience ARKTOS (Springer), Geosciences (MDPI), National Geographic and co-chaired several sessions in international conferences and workshops on terrestrial and planetary radar subsurface imaging including AGU, LPSC and IEEE meetings.

12 Ebooks bởi Zhihua Zhang

Zhihua Zhang & Nabil Khélifi: Patterns and Mechanisms of Climate, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Changes from Low-Latitude Regions
Middle East and Mediterranean region locates at a crossroad of global climatic patterns. The region is under the influence of a convergence of different maritime conditions which together with extens …
Zhihua Zhang: Multivariate Time Series Analysis in Climate and Environmental Research
This book offers comprehensive information on the theory, models and algorithms involved in state-of-the-art multivariate time series analysis and highlights several of the latest research advances i …
John C. Moore & Zhihua Zhang: Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals of Climate Change
Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals of Climate Change is the first book to provide an overview of the math and physics necessary for scientists to understand and apply atmospheric and oceanic mode …
Zhihua Zhang: Environmental Data Analysis
Most environmental data involve a large degree of complexity and uncertainty. Environmental Data Analysis is created to provide modern quantitative tools and techniques designed specifically to meet …
Zhihua Zhang: Environmental Data Analysis
Most environmental data involve a large degree of complexity and uncertainty. Environmental Data Analysis is created to provide modern quantitative tools and techniques designed specifically to meet …
Jianping Li & Zhihua Zhang: Big Data Mining for Climate Change
Climate change mechanisms, impacts, risks, mitigation, adaption, and governance are widely recognized as the biggest, most interconnected problem facing humanity. Big Data Mining for Climate Change a …
Zhihua Zhang: Observer Design for Control and Fault Diagnosis of Boolean Networks
Boolean control networks (BCNs) are a kind of parameter-free model, which can be used to approximate the qualitative behavior of biological systems. After converting into a model similar to the stand …
Haroun Chenchouni & Helder I. Chaminé: New Prospects in Environmental Geosciences and Hydrogeosciences
This edited book gives a general overview on current research, focusing on geoenvironmental issues and challenges in hydrogeosciences in model regions in Asia, Europe, and America, with a focus on th …
Zhihua Zhang: Environmental Data Analysis
With the dramatic development of air-space-ground-sea environmental monitoring networks and large-scale high-resolution Earth simulators, Environmental science is facing opportunities and challenges …
Haroun Chenchouni & Helder I. Chaminé: Recent Research on Hydrogeology, Geoecology and Atmospheric Sciences
This edited book is based on the accepted papers for presentation at the 1st Med GU Annual Meeting, Istanbul 2021. With three sections spanning a large spectrum of geological and geoenvironmental top …
Haroun Chenchouni & Zhihua Zhang: Recent Advancements from Aquifers to Skies in Hydrogeology, Geoecology, and Atmospheric Sciences
This book is based on the accepted papers for presentation at the 2nd Med GU Annual Meeting, Marrakesh 2022. It presents a series of newest research studies that are nowadays relevant mainly to Middl …
Zhihua Zhang & Palle E. T. Jorgensen: Frame Theory in Data Science
This book establishes brand-new frame theory and technical implementation in data science, with a special focus on spatial-scale feature extraction, network dynamics, object-oriented analysis, data-d …