Dr. Vijay Pereira, Ph D, is a Senior Lecturer of International and Strategic HRM and holds the position of Leader in Knowledge Services (Human Capital Development) in the Organisation Studies and HRM group at the Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, UK. He holds six academic qualifications, and has published in several leading journals such as HRM, the Journal of World Business, International Studies of Management & Organization, Culture & Organisation, International Journal of Indian Culture & Business Administration, etc. He has also contributed to several book chapters and is currently co-editing three books. He is the Area/Associate Editor (OB/HRM) of the Journal of Asia Business Studies (JABS). He is also guest editing three special issues, including one on Indian Culture in the Journal Culture and Organization. His previous experiences have been in consulting and industry, both in India and the UK.
Dr. Ashish Malik, Ph D is a lecturer in the ER&HRM group at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Ashish completed his Ph D from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and holds a MA (PM&IR) from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India. Ashish”s thesis examined skills and capability development issues in the Indian IT industry. Ashish has published and presented more than 40 research papers with an India focus at numerous national and international conferences. His works have appeared in numerous academic journals including the Asia-Pacific Business Review and Industrial Marketing Management. Ashish is currently co-editing two books (with Routledge and Springer) on business models in the Indian IT industry and culture, respectively, and co-authoring another book on Human capital management in the Indian IT/BPO sector with Palgrave Macmillan. Ashish is also co-editing three journal special issues focusing on employment relations in India, Indian culture and National Business Systems in Asian countries for the International Journal of Employment Studies, Culture & Organisation and Journal of Asia Business Studies journals. Ashish currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Asia Business Studies and Jindal Journal of Business Research (Sage Publishing).
16 Ebooks by Vijay Pereira
Vijay Pereira & Ashish Malik: Investigating Cultural Aspects in Indian Organizations
The purpose of this edited collection is to analyse the cultural aspects of Indian organizations. As the world’s largest and most diverse democracy, Indian society can be best described as an amalgam …
Flevy Lasrado & Vijay Pereira: Achieving Sustainable Business Excellence
Compiling the best practices of business excellence frameworks around the world, this new book addresses the need for innovative research on sustainable business performance. Using detailed empirical …
Arijit Sikdar & Vijay Pereira: Business and Management Practices in South Asia
This book presents case studies of South Asian companies that have strategic business implications, highlighting the complex interplay of business and social dynamics in South Asia. This region is a …
Ashish Malik & Vijay Pereira: Indian Culture and Work Organisations in Transition
This book analyses key theoretical influences on Indian culture in a business context. It shows the interactions between indigenous culture and workplace ethics which is increasingly being populated …
Ashish Malik & Vijay Pereira: Indian Culture and Work Organisations in Transition
This book analyses key theoretical influences on Indian culture in a business context. It shows the interactions between indigenous culture and workplace ethics which is increasingly being populated …
N H Reeve: Novels of Rex Warner
This critical introduction to Warner’s writings aims to rehabilitate them from neglect by discussing the development of his ideas and their problematic relationship with the fictional forms through w …
Hardeep Chahal & Vijay Pereira: Sustainable Business Practices for Rural Development
The book includes empirical research papers and case studies embracing human capital, relational capital and structural capital in context to services and manufacturing sectors. It will highlight on …
Vijay Pereira & Mark Neal: Human Capital in the Middle East
Providing evidence of the role of human capital on innovation in the Middle East, this edited collection closely examines the unique nature of the workforce in this region. It highlights the challeng …
Vijay Pereira & Yama Temouri: Managing Sustainable Business Relationships in a Post Covid-19 Era
This book explores how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted businesses of all types around the world. It investigates and consolidates the relationships that businesses have with their key stakeholders …
Pawan Budhwar & Vijay Pereira: Doing Business in the Middle East
The Middle East has for a long time been at the centre of global trade as well as political interest. Demographic and social change shifts in global economic power, rapid urbanisation, climate change …
Pawan Budhwar & Vijay Pereira: Doing Business in the Middle East
The Middle East has for a long time been at the centre of global trade as well as political interest. Demographic and social change shifts in global economic power, rapid urbanisation, climate change …
Léo-Paul Dana & Rosy Boardman: Fashion and Environmental Sustainability
The wide range of topics that the book covers are organised into sections reflecting a cradle to grave view of how entrepreneurial, innovative, and tech-savvy approaches can advance environmental sus …
Pawan Budhwar & Vijay Pereira: Management in the MENA Region
This timely book offers up-to-date information for both researchers and decision makers regarding five core areas of Middle Eastern institutional and cultural context and its role in shaping business …
Pawan Budhwar & Vijay Pereira: Management in the MENA Region
This timely book offers up-to-date information for both researchers and decision makers regarding five core areas of Middle Eastern institutional and cultural context and its role in shaping business …
Léo-Paul Dana & Rosy Boardman: Fashion and Environmental Sustainability
The wide range of topics that the book covers are organised into sections reflecting a cradle to grave view of how entrepreneurial, innovative, and tech-savvy approaches can advance environmental sus …
Glenn W. Muschert & Vijay Pereira: Financial Inclusion
This volume presents an academic discussion of SDG sub-goal 8.10, which involves increasing financial inclusion via enhancing access to banking, insurance, and other financial services. It examines t …