Author: Vincent Laudet

Ingemar Pongratz gained his Ph D in 1996 and is now a Researcher/PI at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institute, Sweden. He is Vice coordinator of the EU funded Network of Excellence (No E) CASCADE, which gathers more than 200 European scientists working on risk assessment and research on endocrine-disruptive chemicals (EDCs) in food. He is Coordinator of SME-RECEPTOR, an Industry-Academia exchange programme and CASCADE-FELLOW, an international post-doctoral programme. Dr Pongratz is author of 32 scientific manuscripts including several invited review articles and co-editor of several book chapters. The scientific focus of Dr Pongratz is to characterize the crosstalk mechanisms between the Ah R and ARNT transcription factors and nuclear receptors in particular the estrogen receptors ER? and ER? or LXRs (LXR? and LXR?). Linda Vikstr÷m Bergander is a Senior Researcher at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition at Karolinska Institutet and gained her Ph D in Toxicological Genetics in 2005 from the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Toxicology, Stockholm University. Dr Bergander is author of 8 scientific manuscripts and her scientific focus is to study nuclear receptor signaling pathways especially novel ligands for the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor and their impact on transcriptional regulation. She has an extensive interdisciplinary background with knowledge in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, toxicology and analytical chemistry with a thorough knowledge in xenobiotic metabolism.

3 Ebooks by Vincent Laudet

Hinrich Gronemeyer & Vincent Laudet: Nuclear Receptor FactsBook
The Facts Book Series has established itself as the best source of easily accessible and accurate facts about protein groups. They use an easy-to-follow format and are researched and compiled by expe …
Ingemar Pongratz & Linda Bergander: Hormone-Disruptive Chemical Contaminants in Food
Today, we are surrounded by a multitude of different chemicals that are essential components of our everyday life. As a consequence, there are various hazardous substances like dioxins, phthalates an …
Vincent Laudet: Ulysse en Méditerranée
En retraçant le voyage d’Ulysse en Méditerranée, 1200 avant notre ère, Vincent Laudet nous emmène découvrir notre mer, naviguer sur ses plus belles eaux, traverser des paysages somptueux, croiser de …