‘Earning a degree in chemistry changed my life!’ – Walter the Educator. This book is dedicated to all the chemistry lovers, like myself, across the world. The Poetry of Rubidium belongs to the Chemical Element Poetry Book Series by Walter the Educator™. Collect all books in the series at Walterthe Educator.com. Creating a poetry book about the chemical element of Rubidium was an intriguing and unique endeavor. Rubidium, with its atomic number 37 and symbol Rb, possesses certain qualities that can be metaphorically explored through poetry. It is a soft, silvery-white alkali metal with a rich history and fascinating properties. By delving into its characteristics, such as its reactivity, conductivity, and use in scientific research, I can draw parallels to human emotions, relationships, and the world around us. This fusion of science and art result in a captivating and thought-provoking collection of poems that adds a new dimension to both subjects.
About the author
Walter the Educator is one of the pseudonyms for Walter Anderson. Formally educated in Chemistry, Business, and Education, he is an educator, an author, a diverse entrepreneur, and he is the son of a disabled war veteran. ‘Walter the Educator’ shares his time between educating and creating. He holds interests and owns several creative projects that entertain, enlighten, enhance, and educate, hoping to inspire and motivate you. Follow, find new works, and stay up to date with Walter the Educator™ at Walterthe Educator.com.