Author: Wei Hsiu Tung

About the Author Wei Hsiu Tung was born and brought up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She studied art education at Warwick University and social anthropology of art at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, United Kingdom. She has been teaching the theory of art at National University of Tainan, Taiwan, and was in 2010-2011 Visiting Research Fellow in public art in the Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and Design at London Metropolitan University. Her publications include “The Return of the Real’: Art and Identity in Taiwan’s Public Sphere” (2012).About the Editor Gerald Cipriani is professor at Kyushu University, Japan. He studied Western aesthetics in Leeds (LMU) and East Asian philosophy in London (SOAS). He has taught both in Europe and East Asia and was a British Academy Fellow at Kyoto University. His current writing focuses on dialogical aesthetics. He is the Chief Editor of Culture and Dialogue (Cambridge Scholars Publishing).

1 Ebooks by Wei Hsiu Tung

Wei Hsiu Tung: Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening
Artistic residency has become widely adopted in Western countries while only recently having become popular and well-supported within Taiwan. This book explores the challenges that this form of art p …