As an atheist who critically thought her way to faith, Wendy Cunningham believes it’s important to evaluate where our beliefs about God come from as we consider where we might be mistaken. This is Wendy’s first solo book project—she co-authored the book Success Through Failing—but she’s been a writer for more than twenty years. Her blog,, satisfies her desire to inspire, empower, make people laugh, and boldly share truth. Aside from writing, Wendy is a wife, an entrepreneur, and a homeschool mom of three. When not traveling, she and her family homestead on 84 acres in Middle Tennessee.
4 Ebooks by Wendy Cunningham
Pablo Acosta & Wendy Cunningham: Minds and Behaviors at Work
Although the Latin American region has shown an impressive growth in educational attainment over the past two decades, that education has failed to yield expected benefits. A mounting body of researc …
Wendy Cunningham: What If You’Re Wrong?
“Why don’t you believe in God?” A simple question, but one for which I didn’t have a good answer. I was confident in what I believed; I just didn’t know how I’d arrived at that conclusion. Turns out …
Wendy Cunningham & Linda McGinnis: Youth at Risk in Latin America and the Caribbean
Realizing the potential of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean is essential both to their well-being and to the region’s long-term welfare. Young people are often seen as the source of pr …
Gayatri Acharya & Arvil Van Adams: Youth Employment in Sierra Leone
Creating job opportunities for its large and growing number of young people, is a key development challenge for the government of Sierra Leone. It is also crucial for maintaining peace and promoting …