Based on A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals, Second Edition, this indispensable resource offers guidance on recentlegal developments affecting higher education institutions andprograms. The Supplement provides analysis, commentary, andresources especially for student affairs practitioners and graduatestudents in student affairs administration courses.
The Supplement covers developments from mid-2008 through December, 2010. It includes discussions of court opinions, statutes, regulations, and related developments, as well asbibliography entries and text citations to selected law journalarticles, books, web sites, and other new resources. Topics coveredinclude: the Higher Education Opportunity Act; litigation involvingonline courses and programs; the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision inthe Christian Legal Society case on student organizations’membership policies; new cases involving students withdisabilities; new federal rules on federal student loan programs;student academic dismissals and codes of professional ethics; newdevelopments in student discipline; institutional liability forstudent suicide; guidelines for searching residence hall rooms; andcampus security issues.
About the author
WILLIAM A. KAPLIN is professor of law emeritus at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, where he alsoserved as special counsel to the Office of General Counsel. He isnow senior fellow at the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law.
BARBARA A. LEE is professor of human resource managementat Rutgers University’s School of Management and Labor Relations and of counsel to the law firm of Edwards Wildman Palmer.An attorney, she teaches employment law and higher educationlaw.
Together they are the authors of The Law of Higher Education, now in its fifth edition.