The Team of Four continues the events in the life of Cole Webster, recently discharged from the air force.
He marries Ilona Masters, a professional pianist, and earns a BBA from the University of Wisconsin.
Coles goal is to be successful in the business world, and hers is in classical music. Careers clash when Ilona goes on tour and is caught up in the music world and abandons their marriage.
Gabe Holberg hires Cole to manage his faltering company and has great success with the aid of three air force buddies.
After a ten-year absence, Ilona returns home a crippled arthritic, but Cole dissolves the relationship, returning to his faithful air force friends.
About the author
“The Team of Four” is the second published novel by the author, the first being “The Euclid Avenue Express.” The author has a BBA in finance/accounting from Lamar University. In the position of financial controller, he presented numerous written business reports to management and developed many departmental procedure manuals requiring good grammar and clarity. He was also published in “1940: The Last Year Home” by the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk, section entitled “Along the Way, ” a family history of life in the 1920s, and autographed by the commanding general William Hickman. The author has also had many human interest articles printed in monthly church papers.