Trade magazines and review articles describe MWD in casualterms, e.g., positive versus negative pulsers, continuous wavesystems, drilling channel noise and attenuation, in very simpleterms absent of technical rigor. However, few trulyscientific discussions are available on existing methods, let alonethe advances necessary for high-data-rate telemetry. Withouta strong foundation building on solid acoustic principles, rigorousmathematics, and of course, fast, inexpensive and efficient testingof mechanical designs, low data rates will impose unacceptablequality issues to real-time formation evaluation for years tocome.
This book promises to change all of this. The lead authorand M.I.T. educated scientist, Wilson Chin, and Yinao Su, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other teammembers, have written the only book available that developsmud pulse telemetry from first principles, adapting sound acousticprinciples to rigorous signal processing and efficient wind tunneltesting. In fact, the methods and telemetry principlesdeveloped in the book were recently adopted by one of theworld’s largest industrial corporations in its mission toredefine the face of MWD.The entire engineering history for continuous wave telemetry iscovered: anecdotal stories and their fallacies, original hardwareproblems and their solutions, different noise mechanisms and theirsignal processing solutions, apparent paradoxes encountered infield tests and simple explanations to complicated questions, andso on, are discussed in complete ‘tell all’ detail forstudents, research professors and professional engineersalike. These include signal processing algorithms, signalenhancement methods, and highly efficient ‘short’ and’long wind tunnel’ test methods, whose results can bedynamically re-scaled to real muds flowing at any speed. Amust read for all petroleum engineering professionals!
About the author
Wilson Chin earned his Ph D at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology and his MSc at the California Institute of Technology. His work in fluid mechanics, electromagnetics, formation testing, and reservoir characterization forms the basisfor ten research monographs, about one hundred papers, and almostfifty domestic and international patents. Wilson’s currentinterests address high speed mud pulse telemetry and advancedresistivity logging concepts.
Yinao Su, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is affiliated with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in Beijing, where he directs its MWD program. Heis an expert in control theory and leads a new research endeavorknown as ‘Downhole Control Engineering.’ Professor Suholds over thirty patents, has authored numerous books and morethan two hundred papers.
Limin Sheng is Senior Technical Expert and Department Head in oil and gas drilling engineering at the CNPC Drilling Research Institute. He has more than twenty-five years ofexperience in research and development focusing on MWD and downholecontrol engineering applications, holds more than twenty patents, and has published over two dozen papers.
Lin Li is Manager of the Downhole Control Engineering Research Institute, a laboratory for downhole informationtransmission at CNPC in Beijing. He holds joint positions as Senior Engineer and Director, Continuous Wave MWD and Electromagnetic MWDProjects. Li is also a key contributor to CNPC’s geosteeringproject efforts.
Hailong Bian earned his doctorate from the University of Electronics Science and Technology in China. He works as a Postdoctoral Fellow and engineer at the CNPC Downhole Control Engineering Research Institute. He is the lead technical focalpoint on CNPC’s high-priority continuous wave MWD mud pulsetelemetry project.
Rong Shi is an engineer with the CNPC Downhole Control Engineering Research Institute. Shi, a key technical contributor tothe continuous wave telemetry project, specializes in mechanicaldesign and data acquisition.