Author: Wolfgang G. Stock

Wolfgang G. Stock is full professor and head of the Information Science Dept. of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. His research areas include studies on smart cities, social network services and information behavior. He is author of about 300 articles and books, thereof about 30 are on prototypical cities of the emerging knowledge society. Kaja J. Fietkiewicz is research associate at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. She is working on Social Media and on Smart Cities, especially in Japan. Julia Barth and Julia Gremm have been assistant lecturers for Smart City Research at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. They conducted field researches on cities in the Gulf Region (especially, in Kuwait, Qatar, U.A.E. and Oman) and published articles on the “Arabian Way” into knowledge society.

6 Ebooks by Wolfgang G. Stock

Julia Gremm & Julia Barth: Transitioning Towards a Knowledge Society
The book offers a critical evaluation of Qatar’s path from oil- and gas-based industries to a knowledge-based economy. This book gives basic information about the region and the country, including th …
Wolfgang G. Stock & Mechtild Stock: Handbook of Information Science
Dealing with information is one of the vital skills in the 21st century. It takes a fair degree of information savvy to create, represent and supply information as well as to search for and retrieve …
Frank Linde & Wolfgang G. Stock: Information Markets
Information Markets is a compendium of the i-commerce, the commerce with digital information, content as well as software. Information Markets is a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of e …
Sonja Gust von Loh & Wolfgang G. Stock: Informationskompetenz in der Schule
Brauchen wir in Deutschland Unterricht in Informationskompetenz? Die Autoren und Herausgeber geben aus informationswissenschaftlicher Sicht eine klare Antwort: ja – denn in der Wissensgesellschaft is …
Wolfgang G. Stock: Informationswirtschaft
Das Lehrwerk konzentriert sich auf die Beschaffung externer Informationen und deren Aufarbeitung und Bereitstellung in betrieblichen Informationssystemen. Es geht um ‘knowledge Management’, um Nutzba …
Wolfgang G. Stock & Mechtild Stock: Wissensrepräsentation
Wissensrepräsentation ist die Wissenschaft, Technik und Anwendung von Methoden und Werkzeugen, Wissen derart abzubilden, damit dieses in digitalen Datenbanken optimal gesucht und gefunden werden kann …