Sacha Loeve is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, where he teaches philosophy and history of science and technology. His main research interests are the philosophy of contemporary technoscientific objects (with various fieldwork studies on nanotechnology, synthetic biology, pharmacology, and carbon), the history of technology as a mode of knowledge, the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon, and the role of humanities in engineering and technology.
Xavier Guchet is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Technology at the University of Technology Compiègne. As a researcher, he is interested in bridging epistemological and ethical issues related to converging technology (nanobiotechnology) and personalized genomic medicine. He wrote four books on evolutionary approaches to technology (2005), on French philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon (2010) on nanotechnology (2014), and on personalized medicine (2016).
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at the university Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her research interests span from the philosophy of chemical technologies to nano and biotechnologies. She has extensively published on materials, technoscience and synthetic biology.
5 Ebooks by Xavier Guchet
Sacha Loeve & Xavier Guchet: French Philosophy of Technology
Offering an overall insight into the French tradition of philosophy of technology, this volume is meant to make French-speaking contributions more accessible to the international …
Xavier Guchet: Care in Technology
Today, it is widely recognized that in order to meet environmental challenges, it will not simply be enough to make our lifestyles greener ; also critical is putting an end to the modern conception o …
Xavier Guchet: Care in Technology
Today, it is widely recognized that in order to meet environmental challenges, it will not simply be enough to make our lifestyles greener ; also critical is putting an end to the modern conception o …
Xavier Guchet: Du soin a la technique – question philosophique
Pour faire face aux defis environnementaux, il ne suffit pas de rendre nos systemes de production plus verts et nos modes de vie plus ecologiques. Il est egalement urgent d’en finir avec la conceptio …
Xavier Guchet: Philosophie des nanotechnologies
Les nanotechnologies ne désignent pas seulement la miniaturisation des objets techniques, mais plutôt un ensemble d”initiatives de politique scientifique et industrielle à l”échelle mondiale, mêlan …