Author: Xinning Liang

Ba Shusong is Chief China Economist of HKEx, Chief Economist of China Banking Association, Professor of Peking University, and Famous Economist in China. Dr. Peng SHEN, Ph.D. in economics, is Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of Greater Bay Area Financial Institute, Former Secretary General of Qianhai Institute for Innovative Research, and Vice Chairman of Shenzhen Think-Tank Alliance.  Xinning LIANG is Department Head and Senior Researcher in Shenzhen SOEs Innovation and Reform Institute.

1 Ebooks by Xinning Liang

Shusong Ba & Peng Shen: Collaborative Innovation Mechanism of GBA in China
This book aims to explore the development model of Great Bay Area (GBA) of China as economic engine under the context of open policy. Based on comprehensive research, both theoretically and …