This gentle, hopeful book will help kids cope with a parent’s mental illness.
As a young girl gently questions her depressed father, he offers direct answers that help her understand what he is going through and promotes the hope that he will become his old self again. This gentle, hopeful book is developmentally appropriate–examples of the father’s behavior are spot-on and Ella’s questions are exactly the kinds of questions a child would ask–and will be very useful guide for parents as well as psychologist and mental health professionals working young children.
About the author
Yair Engelberg is a psychologist who is certified by the Schneider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Program for Child and Youth Therapy. This is his picture book debut. He lives in Israel. Visit him at
Mac Kenzie Haley is an award-winning illustrator, who also illustrated
Snitchy Witch. She lives in Louisville, KY. Visit her at and on Facebook @Mac Kenzie Haley, Twitter @Mac Kenzie Lea, and Instagram @mackenzie_haley.