Author: Yiu-Wing Mai

Aravind obtained the first degree (B. Tech in Chemical Engineering) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India in 1999 and M.S. (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA in 2003. He then moved to University of Sydney, Australia where he obtained his Ph D in 2007 from the Center for Advanced Materials Technology (CAMT). Upon completion of Ph D, Dr Dasari continued to work as a post-doctoral fellow before moving to Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies of Materials (IMDEA Materials Institute) as a Research Scientist in early 2009 to lead the group on Multifunctional Nanocomposites. After a couple of years of exciting stint in Madrid, he joined NTU as an Assistant Professor in mid 2011. His research focuses on various aspects of hybrid polymer nanocomposites including combustion response, functional fabrics, food packaging and acoustic absorption in thin films. Zhong-Zhen Yu received his Ph D in process engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine, France in 2001 and then worked as a postdoctoral and research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, The University of Sydney, for six years. From 1992 to 1999 he was a research fellow in the State Key Laboratory of Engineering Plastics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is now a professor of Polymer Engineering in the College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology. His research interests cover many aspects of polymer blends, composites and nanocomposites, including toughening and strengthening with rigid particles and fibers, fracture behaviour, flame retardancy, conductivity, tribology and polymer processing.   Yiu-Wing Mai is an alumnus of the University of Hong Kong, having completed his BSc in 1969, his Ph D in 1972 and his DSc in 1999. He also obtained a DEng from The University of Sydney in 1999. He previously worked in the US (Ann Arbor and NIST), the UK (Imperial College) and Hong Kong (HKUST and City U). Professor Mai is currently University Chair and Professor of mechanical engineering at The University of Sydney. He is also Visiting Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Mai”s major research interests are the basic understanding of processing-microstructure-property relationships, particularly the fracture and mechanical behaviours of a range of advanced materials, including polymer blends, ceramics, cementitious materials, hard surface coatings and fibre composites. His current projects are related to polymer and ceramic-based nanocomposites and fracture mechanics of smart materials.

7 Ebooks by Yiu-Wing Mai

Alberto Carpinteri & Yiu-Wing Mai: Advances in Fracture Research
Biological materials are bottom-up designed systems formed from billions of years of natural evolution. In the long course of Darwinian competition for survival, nature has evolved a huge variety of …
Aravind Dasari & Zhong-Zhen Yu: Polymer Nanocomposites
This highlights ongoing research efforts on different aspects of polymer nanocomposites and explores their potentials to exhibit multi-functional properties. In this context, it addresses both fundam …
Fracture Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials provides a comprehensive overview of fracture mechanics of conservative and dissipative materials, as well as a general formulation of nonlinear field …
Qing Li & Yiu-Wing Mai: Biomaterials for Implants and Scaffolds
This book highlights the latest, cutting-edge advances in implantable biomaterials. It brings together a class of advanced biomaterials in two highly active research areas, namely implants and tissue …
Jang-Kyo Kim & Yiu-Wing Mai: Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites
The study and application of composite materials are a truly interdisciplinary endeavour that has been enriched by contributions from chemistry, physics, materials science, mechanics and manufacturin …
Yiu-Wing Mai & Zhong-Zhen Yu: Polymer Nanocomposites
Polymer nanocomposites are polymer matrices reinforced with nano-scale fillers. This new class of composite materials has shown enhanced optical, electrical and dielectric properties. This important …
R J Arsenault & C P Blakenship Jr: MICROSTRUCTURE & PROPERTIES…(VOL 1)
This is an advanced text on the microstructure and properties of materials, the first volume of a possible 3-volume set. While there are many elementary texts in materials science, there are very few …