Author: Yubo Lyu

Hongjun Li is a Professor and Director of the Diagnostic Radiology Department in Beijing You An Hospital, Affiliated with Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. He is also the Chairman of Infectious Disease Radiology Specialty Committee of Chinese Society of Radiology. Shuang Xia is a Professor at Department of Radiology, Tianjin First Central Hospital, Tianjin, China. Yubo Lv is a Professor at Department of Medical Imaging, Jiahui International Hospita, Shanghai, China.

1 Ebooks by Yubo Lyu

Hongjun Li & Shuang Xia: Radiology of Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases – Volume 2
This book provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art imaging in infectious and inflammatory diseases in head and neck. It starts with a brief introduction of infectious diseases in head a …