Author: Yuri Tschinkel

F. Bogomolov is Professor at the Courant Institute, NYU. He is best known for his pioneering work on hyperkähler manifolds. B. Hassett is Professor and Chair of the department of Mathematics at Rice University. He published two books and around 50 papers on Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry. Yuri Tschinkel is Professor at the Courant Institute, NYU and Director of the Mathematics and the Physical Sciences Division at the Simons Foundation.

12 Ebooks by Yuri Tschinkel

Wee Teck Gan & Stephen S. Kudla: Eisenstein Series and Applications
Eisenstein series are an essential ingredient in the spectral theory of automorphic forms and an important tool in the theory of L-functions. They have also been exploited extensively by number theor …
Yuri Tschinkel & Yuri Zarhin: Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Yu. I. Manin consists of invited expository and research articles on new developments arising from Manin’s outstanding contributions to mathematics. …
Yuri Tschinkel & Yuri Zarhin: Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Yu. I. Manin consists of invited expository and research articles on new developments arising from Manin’s outstanding contributions to mathematics. …
Fedor Bogomolov & Yuri Tschinkel: Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems
Rationality problems link algebra to geometry, and the difficulties involved depend on the transcendence degree of $K$ over $k$, or geometrically, on the dimension of the variety. A major success in …
Fedor Bogomolov & Brendan Hassett: Birational Geometry, Rational Curves, and Arithmetic
​​​​This book features recent developments in a rapidly growing area at the interface of higher-dimensional birational geometry and arithmetic geometry.  It focuses on the geometry of spaces of …
Fedor Bogomolov & Brendan Hassett: Geometry Over Nonclosed Fields
Based on the Simons Symposia held in 2015, the proceedings in this volume focus on rational curves on higher-dimensional algebraic varieties and applications of the theory of curves to arithmetic pro …
Denis Auroux & Ludmil Katzarkov: Algebra, Geometry, and Physics in the 21st Century
This volume is a tribute to Maxim Kontsevich, one of the most original and influential mathematicians of our time. Maxim’s vision has inspired major developments in many areas of mathematics, ranging …
Bjorn Poonen & Yuri Tschinkel: Arithmetic of Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Varieties
One of the great successes of twentieth century mathematics has been the remarkable qualitative understanding of rational and integral points on curves, gleaned in part through the theorems of Mordel …
Ulf Rehmann & Yuri Tschinkel: Martin Kneser Collected Works
This volume presents the collection of mathematical articles by Martin Kneser, reprinted in the original language – mostly German –, including one yet unpublished. Moreover, also included is an artic …
Yuri Tschinkel: Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry
This book is a tribute to the memory of Yuri Ivanovich Manin, who passed away on January 7, 2023. Manin was one of the giants of modern mathematics. His work covered a wide range of fields, including …