This proceedings focus on selected aspects of recent advances and experiences, emerging technology trends that have positively impacted our world from operators, authorities and associations from around the world to help address the world’s computing, control and industrial engineering. Meanwhile, although the group that studies Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering is very large, the topics included into this proceedings have the extremely high research value. The program chair, speakers, and editors of this conference are well-known person in the industry, and CCIE2021 will also strictly select articles when calling for papers.
About the author
Yuriy S. Shmaliy (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1974, 1976, and 1982, respectively, and the Dc.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from USSR Government, in 1992. Since 1986, he has been a Full Professor. From 1985 to 1999, he was with Kharkiv Military University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. In 1992, he founded the Scientific Center Sichron and was the Director in 2002. Since 1999, he has been with the Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, and from 2012 to 2015, he headed the Department of Electronics Engineering in this University., He has 498 journal and conference papers and holds 81 patents. He has authored the books Continuous-Time Signals (Springer, 2006), Continuous-Time Systems (Springer, 2007), GPS-Based Optimal FIR Filtering of Clock Models (Nova Science Publications, 2009), and Optimal and Robust State Estimation: Finite Impulse response (FIR) and Kalman Approaches (Wiley-IEEE Press, 2022). He also edited the book Probability: Interpretation, Theory and Applications (Nova Science Publications, 2012). His current interests include robust state estimation, statistical signal processing, and stochastic system theory. His discrete orthogonal polynomials are called Discrete Shmaliy Moments. He was rewarded a title, Honorary Radio Engineer of the USSR, in 1991, and was with the Ukrainian State Award Committee on Science and Technology, in 1998-1999. He was the recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Newton Research Collaboration Program Award, in 2015, IEEE Latin America Eminent Engineer Award, in 2021, and several best conference paper awards. He was invited many times to give tutorial, seminar, and plenary lectures.
Abdelhalim Zekry is a Full Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, (and previously at King Saud University), where he is also the head of the Communication and Electronics laboratory. He has over 50 years of academic and industrial experience including conducting high-quality research, teaching advanced courses, and consulting dozens of companies and government agencies throughout his career. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in 1981, and he has supervised more than 110 Master theses and 40 Ph.D. theses at several universities. In addition, he founded and established the Microelectronic Research and Development Unit at the Fac. of Eng., ASU. He also established the electronics for communications laboratory for designing, implementing, and testing the building blocks of the advanced electronic communication systems according to the ITU standards. He has authored more than 350 papers along with writing more than 7 books published by several international organizations. He has received dozens of grants and awards as recognition for his contributions to the research community, wherehe Introduced more than 8000 expertise answers with more than 1.5 million reads on specialized scientific questions on Researchgate in many topics related to electrical, electronic, and communication engineering. Due to this contribution, which has proven to be extremely impactful and useful for researchers worldwide, Prof. Abdelhalim’s profile has been ranked number one among all researchers on the Researchgate platform in the world. His research topics cover communication technologies, semiconductor materials, semiconductor devices, microelectromechanical devices, electronic circuits, solid-state circuits, solar cells, solar systems, photoelectrochemical devices, and applications in hydrogen production as well as communication and electronics.