作者: A. Corbett

ANNE CORBETT has written extensively on education from France, as well as Britain, as a journalist. She is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Management of the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, an associate of LSE”s European Institute, deputy chairman of the Franco-British Council (British section) and active in the University Association for Contemporary European Studies. In 1996 she co-edited Education in France, Continuity and Change in the Mitterrand Years 1981-95 with Bob Moon. She was made an Officier de l”Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French minister of education in January 2005 for work on university co-operation.

2 电子书 A. Corbett

A. Corbett: Universities and the Europe of Knowledge
This is a story of the EC at work over 50 years, seen from the perspective of a developing European higher education policy. The book provides a rich background narrative to current strategic efforts …