An analysis of Vietnam, 9/11 and the Iraq War from patriotism to dissent through various visual and written signs among which the US flag, ribbons, car-stickers, cartoons, movies, the media and presidential war rhetoric.
PART I: THE IRAQ WAR: REAL AND VIRTUAL Yellow Ribbons Everywhere and No Meaning to Be Found; E.A.Hakanen Political Bumper Stickers and Vehicle Class: Are SUVs the Enemy?; D.Porpora & D.Koch Stars and Stripes in the Year after 9/11: ‘Rally around the Flag’ or ‘The Flag Is a Rag’; R.E.Ostman & H.Littell A Small World-and Its Flags-in a Much Bigger One; A-M.Obajtek-Kirkwood Searching for Common Sense: Tracing the Roots of George W. Bush’s War Rhetoric; M.Butler Warlords of the Iraqi Blogosphere; P.Ringrose Warriors or Amazons: Did Opposing the War in Iraq Become a Gender Issue; la luz Matus-Mendoza PART II: WARS, THEN AND NOW Envisioning Resistance: Directions of Power and Authority in the Vietnam Era GI Underground Press; J.Lewes Not So Far from Vietnam: A Study of War, Film and the Media; J.Ervine War, Nationalism, Fear, Cruelty, Religion: Comparing Depictions of Indians in 19th Century French-Canadian Literature and Arabs in Americal Political cartoons 2001-2005; V.Masse War and Peace in Christian Prayer; A.Thomas, S.Berg, T.Berg& D.Nice
ANNE-MARIE OBAJTEK-KIRKWOOD is an Assistant Professor of French in the Department of Culture and Communication at Drexel University, USA.
ERNEST A. HAKANEN is an Associate Professor of communication in the Department of Culture and Communication at Drexel University, USA.