The magical tales in The Whispering Trees capture the essence of life, death and coincidence in Northern Nigeria. Myth and reality intertwine in stories featuring political agitators, newly-wedded widows, and the tormented whirlwind, Kyakkyawa. The two medicine men of Mazade battle against their egos, an epidemic and an enigmatic witch. And who is Okhiwo, whose arrival is heralded by a pair of little white butterflies?
Abubakar Adam Ibrahim is a Nigerian writer and journalist. His debut novel, Season of Crimson Blossoms (Cassava Republic 2016) won the $100, 000 NLNG Prize for Literature. He is a Gabriel Garcia Marquez Fellow (2013) and a Civitella Ranieri Fellow (2015). Ibrahim was a 2018 Ochberg Fellow at the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. In May 2018 he was announced as the winner of the Michael Elliot Award for Excellence in African Storytelling, awarded by the International Center for Journalists in New York.