Chain Reaction tells of the experiences of bully Stephanie Adolphus, the beautiful Krystle Thomas whose home life holds a shameful secret in her mother’s addictive behaviour, Lisakhanya, a girl from the township attending the school on a scholarship, Krystle’s sister who is trying to make any sense of her life and the changes her sister is going through, Dillan, Stephanie’s bullied little brother, and Ben who lives with his overbearing abusive stepfather and terrified mother. Each chapter is told from a different character’s point of view. In the end, one character’s decision to do something differently, impacts on all the character’s lives. Essentially it’s a book that deals with the issues of bullying, the notion that true beauty is a blessing not a curse, the complexities of young love, and fear of abuse.
Adeline Radloff has travelled through 25 countries, collecting an MA in English literature and a law degree along the way. She has worked as a candidate attorney, breakfast chef, perfume girl, bartender, freelance journalist, housewife, EFL teacher, legal aid assistant, barista, waitress and beauty therapist. It was with a sense of relief that she finally found her niche in life as an author, teacher and mother, she says. In 2009 she was awarded the Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature for her novel Sidekick. In 2012 she published her second book, Een Stad, Drie Rooikoppe, Sewe Dae, which she co-wrote with her sister, Lili Radloff. She lives in Cape Town with her husband and two daughters.