Alberto Castelli is a writer and a Professor of Human Science at Hainan University, China. Chiefly, he is engaged with Modernism, Postmodern dynamics, and Cross-Cultural Studies. Castelli”s publications include: “Eros and Thanatos. Love Across Civilizations” published by Vernon Press and “From Transcendence to Kitsch: Have We Lost Faith?” published by University of Chicago Press.
9 电子书 Alberto Castelli
Alberto Castelli: Maririna – Integrazioni in famiglia
Maririna – il libro “rosa” omaggio a tutte le donne!La storia di Maria nata quattro anni dopo il terribile terremoto del Belice del 1968, tra disagi, sofferenze e rinunce, come quella di una “casa ve …
Alberto Castelli: The Peace Discourse in Europe, 1900-1945
This book charts ideas European intellectuals (mostly from Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy) put forward to solve the problem of war during the first half of the twentieth century: a period t …
Alberto Castelli: The Peace Discourse in Europe, 1900-1945
This book charts ideas European intellectuals (mostly from Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy) put forward to solve the problem of war during the first half of the twentieth century: a period t …
Alberto Castelli: Soul to soul. Storie di musica vera
Dalla penna di Alberto Castelli – tra i maggiori conoscitori della black music in Italia – un viaggio nel tempo attraverso città come Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Memphis, Detroit, Londra, Kingst …
Alberto Castelli: Love, Beauty or Morality
This book is moved by two main questions. Is Love a matter of beauty or mortality? In other words, is love an ethical ideal? Also, modernity understood as the age of mechanical reproduction, has shap …
Alberto Castelli: A Love for Nothingness, A Love for Death
This book aims at explaining romantic love between straight adults through literary texts of the western canon from the nineteenth and twentieth century. Each chapter comes with a multidisciplinary a …
Alberto Castelli: Labyrinth of Love
This book studies the various narrative shades of love in twentieth-century Latin American fiction. It examines writings by Isabel Allende, Roberto Arlt, Garcia Marquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa. The a …
Alberto Castelli: Labyrinth of Love
This book studies the various narrative shades of love in twentieth-century Latin American fiction. It examines writings by Isabel Allende, Roberto Arlt, Garcia Marquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa. The a …
Alberto Castelli: Romance in the Time of Modernism
Romance in the Time of Modernism: A Literature of Silence reasserts the theme of love in an age of anguish. Modernism has been and still is studied and interpreted under multiple perspectives. Howeve …