The Counter-Culture dream was sweet, simple and rich to the bone. It was based on heartful connections, expressions of the truth of feeling and searching for that truth. It was granola and pot and psychedelic journeys into the origins of all things. It was sand between your toes and losing your way in the cosmos, but exploring it anyway because that’s where the answers to the soul lie. We were modern-day shamans without a tradition of our own, trying to bring it back to the others.
Like individual fruits on the vine of a plant with common roots, our tribe made art and music and lots of loving sex, sure that this created world would appeal to our kids and to anyone who encountered its sacred heart. And here we are, nearing the ends of our lives, still wanting to share this bounty with you all. The medium? Stitching the visions on the clothes we wear…wearing our hearts on our sleeves.