Barbara A. Alvarez has been teaching and training the public for five years. As a librarian, she has partnered with local government, historical centers, nonprofit groups, and the business community. When she served as the business liaison librarian for nearly two years at the Barrington Area Library in Barrington, Illinois, she taught over 150 job seekers, completed more than 100 one-on-one appointments with local business owners and professionals, and coproduced numerous videos and podcasts with entrepreneurs. For her efforts, she was nominated for the Athena Leadership Award for innovation and creativity in the business community, and was awarded the Public Librarian Support Award from the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS)/Morningstar at the 2015 American Library Association conference. She has presented at professional networking events on the topic of business librarianship and has been a contributor to Public Libraries Online, as well as being published in Library Journal, Illinois Libraries Matter, and
6 电子书 Alvarez
Eddy Francisco Alvarez & Magda Garcia: Transmovimientos
2022 International Latino Book Award Finalist for Best LGBTQ Studies Book Within a trans-embodied framework, this anthology identifies transmovimientos as the creative force or social mechanism throu …
Eddy Francisco Alvarez & Magda Garcia: Transmovimientos
2022 International Latino Book Award Finalist for Best LGBTQ Studies Book Within a trans-embodied framework, this anthology identifies transmovimientos as the creative force or social mechanism throu …
Alvarez: Ratios and Rates Reasoning
What does math have to do with your kitchen? Learn all about ratios and discover how proportions keep everything equal and balanced. This title supports Common Core Math Standards for understanding r …
Alvarez: Prisms and Pyramids
Now is your chance to journey to another dimension-the third dimension! Learn all about the differences between prisms and pyramids and how to classify both. This title supports Common Core Math Stan …
Alvarez: Factors and Multiples
Do you ever get factors and multiples mixed up in math class? Learn how to find the factor pairs of numbers, move from multiple to multiple by skip-counting, and discover the wonders of prime numbers …
Alvarez: La fontaine de Covadonga
Poursuivant sa Trilogie asturienne amorcée avec Les eucalyptus bleus, l’auteur continue d’explorer, dans ce second roman plein de suspens, les thèmes de la mémoire et du monde de l’enfance, avec ici, …