作者: Andreas Schmietendorf

  Reiner Dumke is since 1994 a full professor in software engineering at the university of Magdeburg. His research interests include SW metrics, measurement programs, tools, web security and performance engineering. He is speaker of the german Informatics Society (GI) Expert group on Metrics. He has published and lectured extensively on SW metrics and related topics. Christof Ebert is Director Software Coordination and Process Improvement of Alcatel in Paris, France. He drives R&D innovation and effectiveness programs within Alcatel. Before, he lead the biggest Alcatel Business Unit to CMM L3, achieving substantial quality improvements and cycle time reduction. Dr. Ebert is IEEE Software associate Editor-In-Chief and serves as keynote speaker and on program committees of various software engineering conferences. Manfred Bundschuh is President of DASMA e.V., the German metrics organisation, as well as appointed Professor for Project Management and Teamwork at the University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Dept. of Informatics and IT Quality Manager in AXA Service AG, Cologne. Manfred Bundschuh is author and editor of several books and more than 40 publications. Andreas Schmietendorf works as competence manager for system- and software development in the information technology department of Deutsche Telekom AG. As chief architect within the development center Berlin Dr. Schmietendorf is mainly responsible for integration- and migration-projects. He is an active member in the German society of computer science (GI) and the Central Europe Computer Measurement Group (CECMG). Furthermore Dr. Schmietendorf teach as guest-lecturer at the University of Magdeburg and FHTW Berlin (University of applied science).

2 电子书 Andreas Schmietendorf

Christof Ebert & Reiner Dumke: Best Practices in Software Measurement
Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that is counted counts. Albert Einstein This is a book about software measurement from the practitioner’s point of view and it is a book for …
Reiner Dumke & Claus Rautenstrauch: Performance Engineering
Initially, computer systems performance analyses were carried out primarily because of limited resources. Due to ever increasing functional complexity of computational systems and user requirements, …