‘Within the set of many identifier-locator separation
designs for the Internet, HIP has progressed further than anything
else we have so far. It is time to see what HIP can do in larger
scale in the real world. In order to make that happen, the world
needs a HIP book, and now we have it.’ – Jari Arkko,
Internet Area Director, IETF
One of the challenges facing the current Internet architecture
is the incorporation of mobile and multi-homed terminals (hosts),
and an overall lack of protection against Denial-of-Service attacks
and identity spoofing. The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is being
developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an
integrated solution to these problems. The book presents a
well-structured, readable and compact overview of the core protocol
with relevant extensions to the Internet architecture and
infrastructure. The covered topics include the Bound End-to-End
Tunnel Mode for IPsec, Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash
Identifiers, extensions to the Domain Name System, IPv4 and IPv6
interoperability, integration with SIP, and support for legacy
Unique features of the book:
* All-in-one source for HIP specifications
* Complete coverage of HIP architecture and protocols
* Base exchange, mobility and multihoming extensions
* Practical snapshots of protocol operation
* IP security on lightweight devices
* Traversal of middleboxes, such as NATs and firewalls
* Name resolution infrastructure
* Micromobility, multicast, privacy extensions
* Chapter on applications, including HIP pilot deployment in a
Boeing factory
* HOWTO for HIP on Linux (HIPL) implementation
An important compliment to the official IETF specifications,
this book will be a valuable reference for practicing engineers in
equipment manufacturing companies and telecom operators, as well as
network managers, network engineers, network operators and telecom
engineers. Advanced students and academics, IT managers,
professionals and operating system specialists will also find this
book of interest.
About the Author.
Foreword. (Jari Arkko)
Foreword. (David Hutchison)
Part I Introduction.
Chapter 1: Overview.
1.1 Identifierâ??locatorsplit.
1.2 HIPin the Internetarchitecture.
1.3 Briefhistoryof HIP.
1.4 Organization of the book.
Chapter 2: Introduction to network security.
2.1 Goalsof cryptographicprotocols.
2.2 Basics andterminology.
2.3 Attacktypes.
2.4 Defensemechanisms.
2.5 Securityprotocols.
2.6 Weakauthenticationtechniques.
2.7 Secure DNS.
Part II The Host Identity Protocol.
Chapter 3: Architectural overview.
3.1 Internet namespaces.
3.2 Methods of identifying a host.
3.3 Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers.
Chapter 4: Baseprotocol.
4.1 Base exchange.
4.2 Other HIPcontrolpackets.
4.3 IPsec encapsulation.
Chapter 5: Main extensions.
5.1 Mobility and multihoming.
5.2 Rendezvous server.
5.3 DNSextensions.
5.4 Registrationprotocol.
Chapter 6: Advanced extensions.
6.1 Opportunistic mode.
6.2 Piggybacking transport headers to base exchange.
6.3 HIPservicediscovery.
6.4 Simultaneous multiaccess.
6.5 Disseminating HITswitha presenceservice.
6.6 Multicast.
Chapter 7: Performance measurements.
7.1 HIPon Nokia Internet Tablet.
7.2 Experimental results.
7.3 Summary.
Chapter 8: Lightweight HIP.
8.1 Security functionality of HIP.
8.2 HIPhigh-levelgoals.
8.3 LHIPdesign.
8.4 LHIPperformance.
8.5 Discussion.
Part III Infrastructure Support.
Chapter 9: Middlebox traversal.
9.1 Requirements for traversinglegacymiddleboxes.
9.2 Legacy NATtraversal.
9.3 Requirements for HIP-awaremiddleboxes.
9.4 HIP-awarefirewall.
Chapter 10: Name resolution.
10.1 Problemstatementofnaming.
10.2 Distributed Hash Tables.
10.3 HIPinterface to Open DHT.
10.4 Overviewofoverlaynetworks.
10.5 Host Identity Indirection Infrastructure.
10.5.1 Separatingcontrol, data, andnaming.
10.5.2 Thedata plane.
10.5.3 Thecontrolplane.
10.5.4 Discussionof the Hi3design.
Chapter 11: Micromobility.
11.1 Local rendezvousservers.
11.2 Secure micromobility.
11.3 Network mobility.
Chapter 12: Communication privacy.
12.1 SPINAT.
12.2 BLIND.
12.3 Anonymousidentifiers.
Part IV Applications.
Chapter 13: Possible HIP applications.
13.1 Virtual Private Networking.
13.2 P2PInternet Sharing Architecture.
13.3 Interoperating IPv4and IPv6.
13.4 Secure Mobile Architecture.
13.5 Liveapplicationmigration.
13.6 Networkoperatorviewpointon HIP.
Chapter 14: Application interface.
14.1 Usinglegacyapplicationswith HIP.
14.2 API fornative HIPapplications.
Chapter 15: Integrating HIP with other protocols.
15.1 Generalized HIP.
15.2 The use of Session Initiation Protocol.
15.3 Encapsulating HIPdatausing SRTP.
15.4 Replacing HIPbase exchangewith IKEv2.
15.5 Mobile IPand HIP.
15.6 HIPproxyfor legacyhosts.
Installing and using HIP.
Andrei Gurtov is a senior research scientist leading the Networking Research group at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology focusing on the Host Identity Protocol and next generation Internet architecture. He received his M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. He co-chairs the IRTF research group on HIP and teaches as an adjunct professor at Telecommunications and Multimedia Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology.