Tom Roberts was an Australian horseman ahead of his time. He dedicated his lifetime to find out how horses learn and in turn, was able to share his knowledge about a more sympathetic way to train. This book is in two parts, the first part, written by Nicki Stuart, provides insights into how Tom influenced people’s lives with horses. In the second part, Dr Andrew Mc Lean gives readers an understanding of why Tom’s methods worked with horses, and compare with our current day knowledge about horse training theories. Proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards continuing the educational opportunities for horse owners, including film conservation, audio books and preservation of donated items.
Foreword by Erica Taylor ii
Introduction by Julie Fiedler iii
Preface by Dr Andrew Mc Lean and Nicki Stuart v
About the Authors vii
Part 1 – Tom Roberts, the Horseman 1
by Nicki Stuart
Part 2 – Tom Roberts, his Methods 69
by Dr Andrew Mc Lean
Introduction 71
The Science of Training; Movement Needs; Social Needs;
Grazing Needs; Clarity in Communication Needs; Mental Abilities; Learning; Negative Reinforcement; Positive Reinforcement; Punishment; Classical Conditioning and Lightness; Habituation; Shaping; Cues and Signals; Self Carriage; Short Sessions and Rests; Flight Response; Arousal and Fear.