Rutter’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is the leading textbook in its field.
Both interdisciplinary and international, it provides a coherent appraisal of the current state of the field to help researchers, trainees and practicing clinicians in their daily work. Integrating science and clinical practice, it is a comprehensive reference for all aspects of child and adolescent psychiatry.
New to this full color edition are expanded coverage on classification, including the newly revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), and new chapters on systems neuroscience, relationship-based treatments, resilience, global psychiatry, and infant mental health.
From an international team of expert editors and contributors, this sixth edition is essential reading for all professionals working and learning in the fields of child and adolescent mental health and developmental psychopathology as well as for clinicians working in primary care and pediatric settings.
Michael Rutter has contributed a number of new chapters and a Foreword for this edition: ‘I greatly welcome this new edition as providing both a continuity with the past and a substantial new look.’
— Professor Sir Michael Rutter , extract from Foreword.
Reviews of previous editions:
‘This book is by far the best textbook of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry written to date.’
— Dr Judith Rapoport , NIH
‘The editors and the authors are to be congratulated for providing us with such a high standard for a textbook on modern child psychiatry. I strongly recommend this book to every child psychiatrist who wants a reliable, up-to-date, comprehensive, informative and very useful textbook. To my mind this is the best book of its kind available today.’
— Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
List of contributors ix
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
Part I: Conceptual issues and research approaches
A: Developmental psychopathology
1 Development and psychopathology: a life course perspective 5
Barbara Maughan and Stephan Collishaw
2 Diagnosis, diagnostic formulations, and classification 17
Michael Rutter and Daniel S. Pine
3 Neurodevelopmental disorders 31
Anita Thapar and Michael Rutter
4 Conceptual issues and empirical challenges in the disruptive behavior disorders 41
Jonathan Hill and Barbara Maughan
5 Emotion, emotion regulation and emotional disorders: conceptual issues for clinicians and neuroscientists 53
Argyris Stringaris
6 Attachment: normal development, individual differences, and associations with experience 65
Mary Dozier and Kristin Bernard
7 Infant/early years mental health 79
Tuula Tamminen and Kaija Puura
8 Temperament: individual differences in reactivity and regulation as antecedent to personality 93
Nathan A. Fox and Olga L.Walker
B: Neurobiology
9 Neurobiological perspectives on developmental psychopathology 107
Mark H. Johnson
10 Systems neuroscience 119
Daniel S. Pine
11 Neuroimaging in child psychiatry 132
Kevin Pelphrey, Brent Vander Wyk and Michael Crowley
C: Epidemiology, interventions and services
12 Using natural experiments and animal models to study causal hypotheses in relation to childmental health problems 145
Anita Thapar and Michael Rutter
13 Using epidemiology to plan, organize, and evaluate services for children and adolescents with mental health problems 163
Miranda Wolpert and Tamsin Ford
14 Evaluating interventions 177
Helena Chmura Kraemer
15 What clinicians need to know about statistical issues and methods 188
Andrew Pickles and Rachael Bedford
16 Global psychiatry 201
Atif Rahman and Christian Kieling
17 Prevention of mental disorders and promotion of competence 215
Mark T. Greenberg and Nathaniel R. Riggs
18 Health economics 227
Martin Knapp and Sara Evans-Lacko
19 Legal issues in the care and treatment of children with mental health problems 239
Brenda Hale and Jane Fortin
20 Children’s testimony: a scientific framework for evaluating the reliability of children’s statements 250
Maggie Bruck and Stephen J. Ceci
21 Residential and foster care 261
Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg and Stephen Scott
22 Adoption 273
Nancy J. Cohen and Fataneh Farnia
Part II: Influences on psychopathology
23 Biology of environmental effects 287
Michael Rutter and Camilla Azis-Clauson
24 Genetics 303
Matthew W. State and Anita Thapar
25 Epigenetics and the developmental origins of vulnerability for mental disorders 317
Michael J. Meaney and Kieran J. O’Donnell
26 Psychosocial adversity 330
Jennifer Jenkins, Sheri Madigan and Louise Arseneault
27 Resilience: concepts, findings, and clinical implications 341
Michael Rutter
28 Impact of parental psychiatric disorder and physical illness 352
Alan Stein and Gordon Harold
29 Child maltreatment 364
Andrea Danese and Eamon Mc Crory
30 Child sexual abuse 376
Danya Glaser
31 Brain disorders and psychopathology 389
Isobel Heyman, David Skuse and Robert Goodman
Part III: Approaching the clinical encounter
A: The clinical assessment
32 Clinical assessment and diagnostic formulation 407
James F. Leckman and Eric Taylor
33 Use of structured interviews, rating scales, and observational methods in clinical settings 419
Prudence W. Fisher, Erica M. Chin and Hilary B. Vidair
34 Psychological assessment in the clinical context 436
Tony Charman, Jane Hood and Patricia Howlin
35 Physical examination and medical investigation 449
Kenneth E. Towbin
B: Considering and selecting available treatments
36 Psychological interventions: overview and critical issues for the field 463
John R.Weisz, Mei Yi Ng and Nancy Lau
37 Parenting programs 483
Stephen Scott and Frances Gardner
38 Cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, and related treatments in children 496
Philip C. Kendall, Jeremy S. Peterman and Colleen M. Cummings
39 Family interventions 510
Ivan Eisler and Judith Lask
40 Relationship-based treatments 521
Jonathan Green
41 Educational interventions for children’s learning difficulties 533
Charles Hulme and Monica Melby-Lervåg
42 School-based mental health interventions 545
Sally N. Merry and Stephanie Moor
43 Pharmacological, medically-led and related treatments 559
Eric Taylor
C: Contexts of the clinical encounter and specific clinical situations
44 Refugee, asylum-seeking and internally displaced children and adolescents 575
Mina Fazel, Ruth Reed and Alan Stein
45 Pediatric consultation and psychiatric aspects of somatic disease 586
Elizabeth Pinsky, Paula K. Rauch and Annah N. Abrams
46 Mental health and resilience in children and adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS 599
Theresa S. Betancourt, David J. Grelotti and Nathan B. Hansen
47 Children with specific sensory impairments 612
Naomi Dale and Lindsey Edwards
48 Assessment and treatment in nonspecialist community health care settings 623
Tami Kramer and M. Elena Garralda
49 Forensic psychiatry 636
Susan Young and Richard Church
50 Provision of intensive treatment: intensive outreach, day units, and in-patient units 648
Anthony James and Anne Worrall-Davies
Part IV: Clinical syndromes: neurodevelopmental, emotional, behavioral, somatic/body-brain
A: Neurodevelopmental
51 Autism spectrum disorder 665
Ann Le Couteur and Peter Szatmari
52 Disorders of speech, language, and communication 683
Courtenay Frazier Norbury and Rhea Paul
53 Disorders of reading, mathematical and motor development 702
Margaret J. Snowling and Charles Hulme
54 Intellectual disability 719
Emily Simonoff
55 ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder 738
Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke and Eric Taylor
56 Tic disorders 757
James F. Leckman and Michael H. Bloch
57 Schizophrenia and psychosis 774
Chris Hollis and Lena Palaniyappan
B: Emotional
58 Disorders of attachment and social engagement related to deprivation 795
Charles H. Zeanah and Anna T. Smyke
59 Post traumatic stress disorder 806
William Yule and Patrick Smith
60 Anxiety disorders 822
Daniel S. Pine and Rachel G. Klein
61 Obsessive compulsive disorder 841
Judith L. Rapoport and Philip Shaw
62 Bipolar disorder in childhood 858
Ellen Leibenluft and Daniel P. Dickstein
63 Depressive disorders in childhood and adolescence 874
David Brent and Fadi Maalouf
64 Suicidal behavior and self-harm 893
Keith Hawton, Rory C. O’Connor and Kate E.A. Saunders
C: Behavioral
65 Oppositional and conduct disorders 913
Stephen Scott
66 Substance-related and addictive disorders 931
Thomas J. Crowley and Joseph T. Sakai
67 Disorders of personality 950
Jonathan Hill
68 Developmental risk for psychopathy 966
Essi Viding and Eamon Mc Crory
D: Somatic/body-brain
69 Gender dysphoria and paraphilic sexual disorders 983
Kenneth J. Zucker and Michael C. Seto
70 Sleep interventions: a developmental perspective 999
Allison G. Harvey and Eleanor L. Mc Glinchey
71 Feeding and eating disorders 1016
Rachel Bryant-Waugh and Beth Watkins
72 Somatoform and related disorders 1035
M. Elena Garralda and Charlotte Ulrikka Rask
Index 1055
Anita Thapar, Cardiff University, Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre in Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University School of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff, UKDaniel S. Pine, Chief, Section on Development and Affective Neuroscience, NIMH Intramural Research Program, Bethesda, MD, USAJames F. Leckman, Neison Harris Professor in the Child Study Center and Professor of Pediatrics and of Psychiatry; Director, Research at Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USAStephen Scott, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UKMargaret J. Snowling, St John’s College and University, Oxford, UKEric Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, King’s College London institute of Psychiatry, UK