One of the most beloved books of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew speaks with eloquence and power. Among the Gospels, Matthew paints a fuller picture of the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus. Anna Case-Winters’s incisive commentary reveals that Matthew is clearly a theological book. It is about God’s saving work in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it is presented in a way that easily lends itself to the task of teaching and preaching. Case-Winters highlights five themes that shape the distinctive portrait of Jesus this Gospel offers. Here we see Jesus facing up to conflict and controversy, ministering at the margins, overturning presuppositions about insiders and outsiders, privileging the powerless, demonstrating the authority of ethical leadership, challenging allegiance to empire, and pointing the way to a wider divine embrace than many dared imagine. Case-Winters captures the core of Matthew’s unique Gospel, which speaks powerfully to the life of Christian faith today in the midst of our own issues and struggles.
Anna Case-Winters is Professor of Theology at Mc Cormick Seminary. She has served the wider church in many capacities, particularly in ecumenical relations. As Chair for Christian Unity in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), she exercised leadership in dialogues with Lutheran, Anglican, and Roman Catholic communions. Case-Winters has also served the global church through the work of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in many capacities through the years and is currently Moderator for Mission and Ecumenism. She is the author of God’s Power: Traditional Understandings and Contemporary Challenges, Reconstructing a Christian Theology of Nature: Down to Earth, and A Theological Commentary on Matthew.