This book offers a glimpse of new perspectives on how philosophy performs in the gaps between thinking and acting. Bringing together perspectives from world-renowned contemporary philosophers and theorists – including Judith Butler, Alphonso Lingis, Catherine Malabou, Jon Mc Kenzie, Martin Puchner, and Avital Ronell – this book engages with the emerging field of performance philosophy, exploring the fruitful encounters being opened across disciplines by this constantly evolving approach. Intersecting dramatic techniques with theoretical reflections, scholars from diverse geographical and institutional locations come together to trace the transfers between French theory and contemporary Anglo-American philosophical and performance practices in order to challenge conventional approaches to knowledge. Through the crossings of different voices and views, the reader will be led to explore the in-between territories where performance meets traditionally philosophical tools and mediums, such as writing, discipline, plasticity, politics, or care.
List of Figures.- Notes on Contributors.- 1. Introduction: Genealogies of Performance Philosophy; Anna Street, Magnolia Pauker, and Julien Alliott.- 2. The Philosophical Interview: Queer(y)ing Performance; Magnolia Pauker.- 3. Scenes of Instruction; Martin Puchner.- 4. Stories from the In-Between: Performing Philosophy Alongside the Unknown; Laura Cull.- 5. From Corpse to Corpus: Excavating Bodies of Theatrical Self-Reflection; Ramona Mosse.- 6. Performative Disruptions and the Transformation of Writing; An Interview with Martin Puchner by Anna Street.- 7. Ouisconsin Eidos, Wisconsin Idea, and the Closure of Ideation; Jon Mc Kenzie.- 8. Inter Faces: Remapping Sights of Knowledge; Anna Street.- 9. Performative Disciplinarity in Alternate Reality Games from Foucault to Mc Kenzie and Beyond; Natasha Lushetich.- 10. Philosophical Interruptions and Post-Ideational Genres: Thinking Beyond Literacy; An Interview with Jon Mc Kenzie by Anna Street.- 11. Power and Performance at Play: A Question of Life or Death; Catherine Malabou, – 12. The Animal Way: On Malabou’s Deconstructed Life; John Ó Maoilearca, – 13. Biological Plasticity and Performative Possibility in the Work of Catherine Malabou and Curious; Katie Schaag, – 14. Thresholds of Resistance: Between Plasticity and Flexibility; An Interview with Catherine Malabou by Julien Alliot and Anna Street.- 15. When Gesture Becomes Event; Judith Butler.- 16. Framing Performance Philosophy through the Proscenium; Freddie Rokem.- 17. Subjects of Subversion: Rancière and Butler on the Aesthetics of Politics; Clare Woodford.- 18. The Scene of Philosophy; An Interview with Judith Butler by Magnolia Pauker.- 19. Ach! The History of a Complaint; Avital Ronell.- 20. Ach? Ah! Whatever… The Invention of “BOF-ology”; Alice Lagaay.- 21. Performing Stupidity; Sara Baranzoni.- 22. Philosophical Proving Grounds; An Interview with Avital Ronell by Magnolia Pauker.- 23. Irrevocable Loss; Alphonso Lingis.- 24. Performing with Care: Reading with Alphonso Lingis; Sam Kolodezh.- 25. On Performance and the Dramaturgy of Caring; Rebecca M. Groves.- 26. Performing Care: Exploring Rituals, Demands and Otherness; An Interview with Alphonso Lingis by Julien Alliot.- 27. Coda: Performance Knots: Crossed Threads of Anglo-American Thought and French Theory; An Interview with David Zerbib by Julien Alliot, Magnolia Pauker, and Anna Street.- Index.-
Julien Alliot is a French scholar specializing in Theatre and Performance Studies, currently affiliated to the University of Paris-Sorbonne, France.
Magnolia Pauker is Lecturer in Critical and Cultural Studies at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, Canada.
Anna Street is a French-American scholar specializing in Comparative Literature and Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, France.