PART I. Studying in depth the dark and the bright sides: Cross-Cultural contributions.-Introduction: Psychology of Sustainability in Organizations: the new Scenario for Health...
PART I. Studying in depth the dark and the bright sides: Cross-Cultural contributions.-Introduction: Psychology of Sustainability in Organizations: the new Scenario for Healthy Business, Harmonization and Decent Work (Annamaria Di Fabio).- The Psychometric Properties of the Malaysian Version of the Human Capital Sustainability Leadership (Pan Lee Ching, Chua Bee Seok, Rosnah Ismail).- Human Capital Sustainability Leadership and Well-being in the Indonesian Context (Yus Nugrahaakira).- Casting and Advocacy Model of Training Helpers: Principle-Based Supervision in a Training Clinic to Strengthen Health and Well-being (Mickey Stein, Larry E. Beutler, Satoko Kimpara, Nancy A. Haug, Hannah Brunet, Kathleen Someah, Christopher J. Edwards, & Sandra Macias).- Methodological Approaches for Sustainability Research– Modeling Time in Global Family Research (Lynette H. Bikos, Kaitlin Patton, Thomas Pankau, and Lauren Hirsch).- Positive Psychophysiology of Well-being (Akira Tsuda).- A review on empirical evidences for prevention and strength based perspectives for Psychology of Sustainability in Organizations (Annamaria Di Fabio & Donald Saklofske).- PART II. Widening the Perspectives for Innovation: Theoretical approaches and Empirical Research.- Widening the Perspectives for Innovation in the Prevention Science for Sustainable Organizations and Sustainability in Organizations: Psychological Contributions (Mauree E. Kenny & Annamaria Di Fabio).- Organizational Identity: Understanding Social Identity in Sustainable Organizations (Gabriela Topa Cantisano).- Decent work: fostering the Meaning of Work in Organizations (Jean-Luc Bernaud & Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas).- Sustainability and Changing Care Programs in the South Asian Countries (Anwarul Hasan Sufi).- A Decent Life through the Intergenerational Transmission of Informal Work: a Psychosocial Resources Perspective (Alma Hafsi).- The Role of Relationships at Work and Happiness (Jarrod Haar).