Jacques Bros has greatly advanced our present understanding of rigorous quantum field theory through numerous fundamental contributions. The impact of his work is also visible in several articles in this book. Quantum fields are considered as genuine mathematical objects, whose various properties and relevant physical interpretations have to be studied in a well-defined mathematical framework.
Key topics: Analytic structures of QFT, renormalization group methods, gauge QFT, stability properties and extension of the axiomatic framework, QFT on models of curved spacetimes, QFT on noncommutative Minkowski spacetime.
Local Counterterms on the Noncommutative Minkowski Space.- Massless Scalar Field in a Two-dimensional de Sitter Universe.- Locally Covariant Quantum Field Theories.- Asymptotic Abelianness and Braided Tensor C*-Categories.- Yang-Mills and Some Related Algebras.- Remarks on the Anti-de Sitter Space-Time.- Quantum Energy Inequalities and Stability Conditions in Quantum Field Theory.- Action Ward Identity and the Stückelberg-Petermann Renormalization Group.- On the Relativistic KMS Condition for the P(ø)2 Model.- The Analyticity Program in Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory.- Renormalization Theory Based on Flow Equations.- Towards the Construction of Quantum Field Theories from a Factorizing S-Matrix.- String-Localized Covariant Quantum Fields.- Quantum Anosov Systems.- DFR Perturbative Quantum Field Theory on Quantum Space Time, and Wick Reduction.- On Local Boundary CFT and Non-Local CFT on the Boundary.- Algebraic Holography in Asymptotically Simple, Asymptotically Ad S Space-times.- Non-Commutative Renormalization.- New Constructions in Local Quantum Physics.- Physical Fields in QED.- Complex Angular Momentum Analysis and Diagonalization of the Bethe-Salpeter Structure in Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory.