This is an up to date guide to teaching and learning in higher education, addressing issues raised by the Professional Standards Framework. It encourages the development of thoughtful, reflective teaching practitioners in higher education, and is useful for the review of existing courses. The authors and editors acknowledge the distinctive nature of teaching in higher education, explore a variety of creative and innovatory approaches, and promote reflective, inquiry-based and evaluatory approaches to teaching. The book supports the professional development of staff involved in teaching, supporting and assessing students.
Learning about learning or learning to learn (L2L)
Supporting students’ critical reflection on practice
Problem-based learning in higher education
Action learning and inquiry methods on postgraduate course for professional practitioners
Who do they think they are? Students’ perception of themselves as learners
Moving from dependence to independence: the application of e-learning in higher education
Beyond e-learning: can intelligent agents really support learners
Using assessment to promote quality learning in higher education
Formative assessment of the practice-based element of degree work
Building on vocational competence: achieving a better qualified workforce by degrees: A discussion of what makes the foundation degree different
Combining service learning and social enterprise in higher education to achieve academic learning, business skills development, citizenship education and volunteerism
Supporting students with disabilities in higher education
The development of reflective practice in higher education: a theoretical perspective
Lin Norton is Professor of Pedagogical Research and Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching at Liverpool Hope University. She is a chartered psychologist who has taught and researched in a psychology context for many years. She describes herself as a practitioner researcher with a strong interest in action research carried out to improve teaching and the student learning experience.