This book is comprised of a selection of the best papers presented during the 25th International Cartography Conference which was held in Paris between 3rd and 8th July 2011. The scope of the conference covers all fields of relevant GIS and Mapping research subjects, such as geovisualization, semiotics, SDI, standards, data quality, data integration, generalization, use and user issues, spatio-temporal modelling and analysis, open source technologies and web services, digital representation of historical maps, history of GIS and cartography as well as cartography for school children and education.
Map Design and Map Analysis.- Use and User Issues.- Historical Data.- Map Projection.
Anne Ruas is a civil servant engineer from French NMA, specialised in Cartography. After 3 years at the IGN Production, she joined the IGN-France research department and started a Ph D on the Strategy of Generalisation based on level of detail, constraints and Agent Modelling. Her work has been used to define the technical solution used in the AGENT European Project. From 2000, she is leading the IGN-France research laboratory where 20 researchers are studying generalisation, data integration, ontology, graphical semiotic, data quality and 3D and temporal modelling. In France she belongs to the Gd R MAGIS network and she is leading 2 research projects on spatial dynamics (Ge Open Sim and Geo Peuple projects). From 2003 to 2007 she co-chaired the ICA commission on generalisation and from 2007 she is vice chair of the ICA. She is responsible for the organisation of the ICC 2011 conference in Paris.