作者: Annemarie Fritz

Annemarie Fritz-Stratmann is full professor of Psychology at the University of Duisburg-Essen,  Germany, where she runs a research and counseling center for children with learning difficulties. She received a Ph D in Psychology from the University of Cologne and has habilitation in psychology of special education and rehabilitation from the University of Dortmund. Since 2015 she is Distinguished Visiting professor at the University of Johannesburg. In the past 25 years her research turned to children with mathematical learning difficulties. Here, the focus of her scientific work was the empirical validation of a development model of key numerical concepts and arithmetic skills from age 4 to 8. Based on this model some diagnostic assessments (MARKO-Series) and training programs for pre-school and elementary school-children were developed. Recently her Dr. Fritz  extended her interests to mathematical problems in secondary education and on math anxiety. She acts as a consultant to several scientific journals.  Vitor Geraldi Haase is full professor of Psychology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. He graduated in medicine, did his medical residency in pediatric neurology, has an M.A. in applied linguistics and a Ph.D. in medical psychology (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München). Working at UFMG since 1995, he heads the Laboratory for Developmental Neuropsychology and Número, a clinic for math learning difficuties. He has been doing clinical work and research on numerical cognition applied to math learning difficulties for the last 10 years. The main focus of this research is the characterization of the molecular-genetic variability underlying the cognitive mechanisms associated with math learning difficulties and math anxiety. Dr. Haase is the author of more than 85 scientific articles and 42 book chapters; editor of three multi-authored books and consultant to several scientific journals. He has a research productivity grant from the Brazilian Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq). Pekka Räsänen is a clinical neuropsychologist and a principal investigator in Niilo Mäki Institute, Jyväskylä, Finland. After his graduation he has worked as a junior researcher in the Finnish Academy of Science, and as an interim associate professor of psychology in the University of Lapland. Since 1997 he has worked as a researcher and as an executive vice director in the Niilo Mäki Institute, which is the largest and most influential research unit on learning disabilities in Finland offering also clinical services, further education and a publication unit. The main focus of his research has been assessment and interventions of mathematical learning disabilities. He has written and co-authored over 50 academic publications and developed most of the standardised tests of mathematical disabilities used in Finland. Hehas also conducted studies on early grade mathematics learning in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Together with his colleagues, he has developed intervention programs on language and mathematics for early education, as well as adaptive computer-assisted tests and rehabilitation programs for mathematical learning disabilities. 

8 电子书 Annemarie Fritz

Annemarie Fritz & Vitor Geraldi Haase: International Handbook of Mathematical Learning Difficulties
This comprehensive volume provides teachers, researchers and education professionals with cutting edge knowledge developed in the last decades by the educational, behavioural and neurosci …
Gabriele Ricken & Annemarie Fritz-Stratmann: Rechenschwäche
Wie begegnet man Schwächen im Rechnen gezielt? Haben Kinder gute mathematische Vorkenntnisse im Vorschulalter erworben, sind meist gute mathematische Leistungen in der Grundschule zu erwarten. …
Moritz Herzog & Annemarie Fritz: Der Igel der wissen wollte, wie viele Stacheln er hat
Als der Igel aus seinem Winterschlaf erwacht und sich putzt, fällt ihm ein Stachel aus. Erschrocken fragt er sich: ‘Wie viele Stacheln habe ich wohl noch auf meinem Rücken?’ Im Wald trifft er auf …
Moritz Herzog & Annemarie Fritz: Der Igel der wissen wollte, wie viele Stacheln er hat
Als der Igel aus seinem Winterschlaf erwacht und sich putzt, fällt ihm ein Stachel aus. Erschrocken fragt er sich: ‘Wie viele Stacheln habe ich wohl noch auf meinem Rücken?’ Im Wald trifft er auf …
Frank Hellmich & Eva Blumberg: Inklusiver Unterricht in der Grundschule
Im inklusiven Unterricht der Grundschule gilt es, den Bildungsansprüchen aller Kinder gerecht zu werden. Ermöglicht werden damit erfolgreiche Persönlichkeits- und Kompetenzentwicklungen sowohl der …
Frank Hellmich & Eva Blumberg: Inklusiver Unterricht in der Grundschule
Im inklusiven Unterricht der Grundschule gilt es, den Bildungsansprüchen aller Kinder gerecht zu werden. Ermöglicht werden damit erfolgreiche Persönlichkeits- und Kompetenzentwicklungen sowohl der …
Annemarie Fritz & Erkan Gürsoy: Diversity Dimensions in Mathematics and Language Learning
Wie hängen sprachliche und mathematische Entwicklung zusammen? Dieser Frage wird derzeit mit großem Interesse aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven nachgegangen. Dieser Sammelband vereint Erkenntnisse …
Annemarie Fritz & Walter Hussy: Pädagogische Psychologie
Pflichtlektüre vor der Klausur: Mit dieser kompakten Einführung in die Pädagogische Psychologie können sich Studierende optimal auf die Prüfung vorbereiten. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über …