In this clear, practical, and brief commentary, Anthony Thiselton brings to bear his intimate knowledge of Paul’s theology, the ancient city of Colossae, and Paul’s epistle to the church of that city. The commentary offers a new translation from the Greek, and explorations of an exegetical as well as a pastoral and practical nature on all passages of the book. Each section concludes with questions for further reflection.
Anthony C. Thiselton is Emeritus Canon Professor of Christian Theology in the University of Nottingham. He has written twenty books, including The Holy Spirit (2013), The Last Things (2012), The Hermeneutics of Doctrine (2007), and The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NIGTC, 2000). He holds the Ph D, DD, and DTheol, and is a Fellow of the British Academy. With poor eyesight and a severe stroke, he has spent fifty-four years in Ordained Ministry and the University.