作者: Anthony Ekanem

Anthony Ekanem is a researcher and writer. His research interests span across business, finance, family, relationship, health, personal development, etc. and has written many books on these areas.

152 电子书 Anthony Ekanem

Anthony Ekanem: Winning Your Heart Again
Everyone in life has most likely experienced heartbreak at one time or another. This does not change the fact that it is very painful and nobody really wants to go through it. The problem with that i …
Anthony Ekanem: A Guide to Successful Dating
When it comes to successful dating, whether as a man or a woman, the number one thing you need to have is confidence. And confidence is something that can be garnered with careful and correct guidanc …
Anthony Ekanem: Article Marketing Simplified
Article Marketing is essentially writing and distributing short articles to a variety of outlets, including article repositories, which are also called article directories and article banks, forums, …
Anthony Ekanem: Article Marketing Secrets Exposed
Of all the ways to make money online, in my opinion, article marketing is the easiest and best way for anybody to make their first dollar. The best part is that without spending any more than the cos …
Anthony Ekanem: Body Building Secrets Revealed
Ever since the fitness craze in the 1980’s, we have become a nation increasingly aware of our health and physique. Millions of dollars are spent every year in the quest for a perfect body. Gyms are b …
Anthony Ekanem: Caring for Toddlers
By nature, children are full of happiness and enjoyment in life. They live what they see and believe. However, it is inevitable that children will feel afraid of something most of the time. Just like …
Anthony Ekanem: Caring for Your Baby
If someone asked me to name one miracle that exists on this earth, I would say the miracle of bringing a life onto the earth. I did not know how beautiful it was till I saw my own sister go through t …
Anthony Ekanem: Childhood Nutrition
Getting your child or a child that you are looking after to eat healthy can seem like a somewhat impossible task. Children can be very picky at times and for the most part, vegetables and other healt …
Anthony Ekanem: Creating Childhood Confidence
Confidence is extremely important for a child to develop in the early stages of their life. It is important because it is needed in order to overcome many obstacles that your child will face in life. …
Anthony Ekanem: Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty is the single most important element to retain within a business relationship. A lot of positive elements can be derived from a well-established loyal customer base. Huge amounts of …
Anthony Ekanem: Dating Guide for Mature Men
Not one of us has gone unscathed from and by the custom of dating. It does not matter what culture, gender or age, dating has had an impact on us in one form or the other. We see examples of it on th …
Anthony Ekanem: Dealing with Anger
Are you currently going through a stage in life where it seems like there is always something to be angry about? If so, you are not alone! You would not believe how many people there are in the world …
Anthony Ekanem: Dealing with Skin Diseases
Just like your brain, stomach and heart, your skin is also a valuable organ. As a matter of fact, it is the largest organ in the body. However, it is very easy for us to take our skin for granted. Un …
Anthony Ekanem: Dealing with Stress
There is no exact measure or definition of stress but it is generally defined as the physical and normal response of body to things that makes them feel worried and bothered. Stress affects individua …
Anthony Ekanem: Defeating Drugs and Death
If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties with a drug addiction, you know how damaging it can be to a person’s life. However, if you are a person or know someone who has just begun usin …
Anthony Ekanem: Detoxify Your Body
If you are feeling lethargic or just not up to par, and are struggling with other problems such as acne, chronic pain, heartburn and other digestive issues, it may be time to try a body detox. Even i …
Anthony Ekanem: Eat Healthy
When it comes to eating, how many of us really bother to check whether we are having healthy food? Today’s lifestyle has become so busy and hectic that you grab foods that taste good and tend to negl …
Anthony Ekanem: Effective Copywriting Techniques
Is it something to be regarded as a work of beauty or art? Is it clever slogans or amusing prose? Or is it workmanship to be judged for an award or recognition? It’s none of the above. Advertising is …
Anthony Ekanem: E-Zine Publishing Mastery
E-zine publishing is an online magazine. Much like in real life, it is simply a magazine that is delivered in a digital form. Most of the E-zines today are targeted towards Internet distribution and …
Anthony Ekanem: Forex Training Guide
In any business or money-making venture, preparation and foreknowledge are the keys to success. Without this sort of insight, the attempt to make a profitable financial decision can only end in disas …
Anthony Ekanem: Get Your Ex-Lover Back
There are many couples all over the world who have broken up with their partners for some very simple misunderstandings. It’s sad to think that many of these break-ups could have been completely avoi …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Profit from Google AdSense
For the last couple of years, Google Ad Sense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by thos …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Budget for the Family
When reflecting on family budgeting and inquiring why not more families are using it, it becomes self-evident that similar skepticism runs rampant and deep in reality and society, even globally so. O …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Create a Healthy Home Business
If you run a business from home, then it’s important to recognize that it’s going to mean living a completely different lifestyle from the majority of people you know. Not having a commute in the mor …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Find True Love
Do you know what true love is? Have you ever found true love? For some, these questions are quite hard to answer. True love is not easily found and felt. It comes in various types. Like others, you c …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Interpret Your Dreams
The dream world is fascinating, full of speculation, hope, and sometimes even fear. We can wake up from a good dream feeling refreshed and hopeful. On the other hand, we can wake up from a bad dream …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Keep Your Children Healthy
When it comes to the health of your children, a large part of it is about making sure they eat the right kinds of food. This isn’t always easy. After all, children can be picky about their food and t …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Live an Optimal Life
Many people speak about their problems in life. In fact, this is one of the hottest topics of conversations. It doesn’t really matter where you meet someone, all it takes is a friendly smile to start …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Live a Stress-Free Life
These days everyone is feeling pressure. We rush at work, we rush at home, there’s always so much that needs to be done. Stress and anxiety have become part of our lives. But how do we deal with it? …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Lose Belly Fat
Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, is something that many people worldwide have problems with. Once you hit middle age, far too many people are plagued by those two dreaded words…belly …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Love Your Job
So, you hate your job and you are looking for strategies to survive. Or maybe, you don’t really hate your job; it’s just that you frequently find your mind wandering at times – like every minute of t …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is a condition in which the bowel does not function as it should. If you are one that has been diagnosed with IBS, then there is a real need to find the h …
Anthony Ekanem: Internet Marketing Joint Ventures
A Joint Venture or JV in short (in Internet Marketing term) is often defined as ‘A mutually beneficial cooperation between website owners’. Many a times, Joint Ventures in Internet Marketing are ente …
Anthony Ekanem: Marriage Saving Tips
Relationships are hard. But, just for your information – marriage is even harder. There is no rule book when you get married. It’s pretty much a ‘learn as you go’ endeavor. You just hope you don’t sc …
Anthony Ekanem: List Building Strategies for Affiliate Marketers
List building is all about connecting with your target audience by offering them high quality information in exchange for their subscription and in affiliate marketing, a laser targeted, responsive e …
Anthony Ekanem: Marketing Tactics that Sell
It is a fact that Internet Marketers use ‘dirty tricks’ to sell their products and services. Although many of them won’t admit to the fact. Still, it’s the truth! Some of them may not even realize th …
Anthony Ekanem: Internet Wealth Secrets
The very first question you may ask is why the Internet? Well, let me explain to you why this is the most profitable and hassle-free business in this date and age. First, let me show you several fact …
Anthony Ekanem: Living Big on a Small Budget
When it comes to money, you really can’t take things one day at a time. You must look ahead to the future, and set financial goals, and then create a plan to reach those goals. Once that is done, you …
Anthony Ekanem: Money Saving Tips
Do you need money for investing or starting some business or to become debt-free and live a peaceful life? And you think there is no source to generate this extra money required? Do you realize that …
Anthony Ekanem: List Building for Beginners
Emails are replacing regular mails from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper, since you do not need to buy a stamp, it’s also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five secon …
Anthony Ekanem: Moral Parenting
There are numerous things in today’s society that can be very damaging to a child’s moral values. That is why it is important as a parent to take every opportunity that presents itself to teach your …
Anthony Ekanem: Living a Happy Life
Everyone wants to learn the secrets on how to be truly happy in life. For sure, right now, most people in this world are still in pursuit of happiness, a journey that many of them have probably start …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Save Your Relationship
Even the happiest relationships go through troubled periods. Life is so full of change and uncertainties and these can certainly put relationships to the test. This guide aims to help people who are …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Sleep Right
Sleep is defined as a state when the motor activity and senses are suspended; there is partial or total unconsciousness, and the voluntary muscles of the body are not active. It is more reversible th …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Stop Addictions
Imagine that you are taking a puff of a cigarette, a slug of whiskey, a snort of cocaine, a shot of heroin, or a toke of marijuana. Put aside first whether the drugs are legal or not. For now, just c …
Anthony Ekanem: Identifying Business Opportunities
No one is born successful. When we were born, we even did not know how to spell ‘successful’, knowing its meaning was something quite far-off. As we grew up, we began chipping in efforts to turn our …
Anthony Ekanem: List Building Basics
I want to welcome you to this special training presentation. I’m excited about being here with you and that I’m going to share some things with you that I’ve learned in the past few years – the hard …
Anthony Ekanem: Living a Healthy and Happy Life
Almost all of us wish to live longer, do more, and spend more time with our family. But even if we like to live longer, our lifestyle is otherwise. Living longer, loving life means living healthy. We …
Anthony Ekanem: Money Smart Children
Children grow up to be adults. The lessons they learn as children will be carried with them as they become students, employees, husbands and wives, parents and grandparents. If they learn the lessons …
Anthony Ekanem: Motivational Tips for Success
Motivation is literally the desire we have to do things. It is the difference between waking up before dawn to get started on a particular project and lazing around the house all day watching TV. It’ …
Anthony Ekanem: The Power of Forgiveness
When it comes to fulfilling your goals and dreams in life, most people will never get there because they focus their attention on incidents that took place in the past. It is human nature to live in …
Anthony Ekanem: Weight Loss Management
Over the years, the rising obesity rates in the western world have become a cause for concern. According to new global analysis, no country has been able to succeed in curbing obesity rates in the la …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Business Master Plan
There are many different ways of making money online. Some are legitimate and others are illegitimate. But beware, many are spam techniques aimed at short-term cash flow. Turning to the internet for …
Anthony Ekanem: Work-at-Home Businesses for Busy Mothers
It doesn’t matter whether you’re fed up with working outside the home or you’re just ready to make some extra money, the opportunities available for work-at-home mothers can prove incredible. If you’ …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Pass Job Interviews with Ease
When you sit down to interview with a prospective employer that you are sincerely interested in working for, there are probably more than a hundred different things running through your mind at one t …
Anthony Ekanem: Understanding Human Emotions
Infidelity is the greatest and most misunderstood of all relationship infractions. This small, sometimes one minute act of passion or revenge, has the capability to initiate a relationship and/or end …
Anthony Ekanem: The Act of Infidelity
Infidelity is the greatest and most misunderstood of all relationship infractions. This small, sometimes one minute act of passion or revenge, has the capability to initiate a relationship and/or end …
Anthony Ekanem: The Value of Business Outsourcing
Outsourcing is nothing new. Brick and mortar businesses have been doing it for years. But what may surprise some people is that online entrepreneurs can also use this common business strategy with a …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Money Blueprint
Everyone wants to make money. That’s a given. And the internet can present some pretty lucrative possibilities. But it can also create a breeding ground for scammers. Sometimes it’s tough to know wha …
Anthony Ekanem: Single Parenting
It is fair to say that most people don’t ever expect to become single parents. And it is also safe to say that you are never really prepared for the role. However, according to U.S. census records, t …
Anthony Ekanem: The Benefits of Complete Nutrition
Do you have complete nutrition? The answer is probably no. Most people don’t get their daily allowance of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. The truth is that it’s okay to have a bad day, a day tha …
Anthony Ekanem: Steps to a Better Life and Relationship
Everyone has a legitimate desire to have a better life. Having a better life could mean different things to different people. What a man considers to be a better life may be different from what a wom …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Public Speaking
Any guide to success in an endeavor will tell you that there is no magic formula to success. But in a lot of fields of endeavor, there seem to be ‘insider secrets’. And taking on the challenge of bec …
Anthony Ekanem: The Woman That Men Want
If you asked most women today what type of girl men adore and couldn’t live without, they would answer that she would have to be very beautiful and attractive, blond, blue-eyed and have killer legs. …
Anthony Ekanem: Overcoming Addictions
When you are suffering from an addiction, it can feel like your entire life is out of control and you have no power to stop yourself from using again and again. When you are addicted to something, it …
Anthony Ekanem: The A to Z of Internet Marketing
It is true that the world of Internet marketing seems daunting to most people. Not helping the fact is the steady development of this genre, where a lot of new techniques are being introduced with ea …
Anthony Ekanem: Why We Need Love and Relationship
Man and woman were created to be physically attracted to each other, irrespective of their looks, stature, colour or other qualities that differentiate one person from another. What causes attraction …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Business Models
Home business is the way the world is going. Gone are the days when people slaved over their office desks. This is the age where the concept of career liberalization is really going to gain root. Are …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Traffic Secrets
Web-traffic, every website needs it; every webmaster wants more of it. We are all looking for that one secret traffic trick that will turn our site around. There is tons of website out there on inter …
Anthony Ekanem: Outsourcing for Your Business
Outsourcing is the movement of workload to another source which can provide assistance in that particular area for an agreed price either as a onetime service or as an ongoing complementing service. …
Anthony Ekanem: Positive Thinking
You have probably had someone tell you to think positive when you were in a trying situation. That is because the power of positive thinking is something that is a widely held belief. Most people eas …
Anthony Ekanem: Save Your Marriage
If you are having trouble with your marriage, you are not alone. Every marriage has its ups and downs. These problems could range from simple misunderstandings to larger concerns. Many issues of marr …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Choose Your Child’s School
Having a good education is very important, as it will eventually contribute positively to a better life for the individual. Therefore most parents take the trouble and time to search for the best sch …
Anthony Ekanem: Self-Improvement Tips for Everybody
Life is what you make of it. However, in order to live the best life possible, you need to look deep within yourself. You need to make sure you are doing everything in your power to make the most of …
Anthony Ekanem: Stress Management Techniques
There is no exact measure or definition of stress but it is generally defined as the physical and normal response of body to things that makes them feel worried and bothered. Stress affects individua …
Anthony Ekanem: Male Life Expectancy
It is the desire of all humans to live long on earth and fulfil their purpose for existence. Many have desired to live up to 80, 90, 100 and some even wish to live longer. While this desire to live l …
Anthony Ekanem: Work-from-Home Business Ideas
If you’re one of the many people who are struggling to find a nice paying office job or perhaps one of those individuals who prefer working in the comfort of their own homes, there are a lot of optio …
Anthony Ekanem: Effective Time Management
Do you find yourself rushing through your morning, stampeding to the door, making your way through traffic only to arrive 10 minutes late for work because you had to wait for the train? How does the …
Anthony Ekanem: Blogging for Profits
A blog is sometimes called web log or weblog. At first, they were used as a personal place, for collecting links, sharing commentary – but now; they are a valid and VALUED form of communication for b …
Anthony Ekanem: Keeping Your Marriage New Day-by-Day
Remember your wedding day? I’m not talking about just the ceremony and reception. I want you to remember how you felt. Think back to looking into the eyes of your intended spouse and how happy you we …
Anthony Ekanem: Practical Blogging for Everybody
Blogs are everywhere, aren’t they? Yet despite this, people seem to have stopped talking about them a little as a way to make money online. Well, in my opinion blogs are still very much an essential …
Anthony Ekanem: Detoxify Your Body for Healthy Living
If you are feeling lethargic or just not up to par, and are struggling with other problems such as acne, chronic pain, heartburn and other digestive issues, it may be time to try a body detox. Even i …
Anthony Ekanem: Dyslexia
Dyslexia has been described as a difficulty in processing information which may be linked to deficiencies in short-term memory and visual coordination. It is an inherent weakness in short-term memory …
Anthony Ekanem: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Your heart is pounding fast and you are feeling dizzy. It seems as though you have to sit down in order for you not to fall. You are having trouble catching your breath. You are experiencing a numbin …
Anthony Ekanem: Boost Your Self-Esteem
Esteem is a simple word. It is worth and value that we apply to people, places, and situations. It is the amount of respect we assess. We have esteem for our world leaders. We have esteem for places …
Anthony Ekanem: Business Branding
Branding is all about image of a business. The concept doesn’t only include style, emblems and logos but also the image of quality perceived. The image perceived may be of total quality, reliability, …
Anthony Ekanem: Career In Journalism
A great many people who want to be writers say that they want to have a career in journalism. They may envision themselves going to exotic locales to cover stories. While these things do happen to jo …
Anthony Ekanem: Information Products Creation and Marketing
If you have been pulling your hair out looking for a way to make money online, the search is over! One of the easiest ways to make money is by writing and selling information products in electronic b …
Anthony Ekanem: Successful Career Change
Whether you are newly graduated from high school or currently employed in a job you hate and want something else, choosing a career is a very important decision. This writer knows especially well abo …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Dating for Senior Citizens
Technically, a person is considered a senior citizen when they reach the age of 65. However, that’s not always the way the general public feels – especially those who have hit the age of 50. To some …
Anthony Ekanem: Corporate Gifts
A corporate gift is a gift purchased for employees, executives, stockholders or customers of a business. Corporate gifts may be purchased for many different reasons. The first and foremost function o …
Anthony Ekanem: Pregnancy Nutrition
Children grow up very fast. Before long, the almost indistinguishable speck in your womb is going to be flying down a hill on a bike with their hands in the air and driving down the interstate in you …
Anthony Ekanem: Cash Building Strategies
We live in an uncertain world, but there is one thing we do know that is certain… and that is that times are tough. Inflation is rising on all fronts. You’re busting your tail to make ends meet, but …
Anthony Ekanem: Child Safety Online
As children get older, they will want to know more. With the emergence of the internet, this is easier than parents think. All it takes is a few keystrokes and they have come to the website of their …
Anthony Ekanem: Choosing a Child Care Provider
Those of us who have children know how special they are in our lives and how we would not trade them for anything in the world or the world itself. However, sometimes you have certain things you need …
Anthony Ekanem: Copywriting Mastery
If you are serious about being successful in an online business, then you must be able and willing to work hard to communicate with your buyers. If you aren’t willing to put in the kind of time neede …
Anthony Ekanem: Wedding Bells
He has popped the question. The ring is on your finger. Now comes the stressful part. You want to throw the wedding of your dreams, but you do not have all the money in the world. What do you do? Sta …
Anthony Ekanem: Cost Per Action Cash
It’s never been easier to make money with CPA. What exactly does CPA stand for? It’s simply COST PER ACTION. You are paid whenever someone completes an offer whether it is a sale or lead using your r …
Anthony Ekanem: Men In The Labour Room
The pending arrival of a baby is a wonderful time! It doesn’t matter what the circumstances, when a new baby comes into the world, it is a true miracle. As is expected, much of the focus in the deliv …
Anthony Ekanem: Next Generation Network Marketing
Thank you for your interest in Networking Marketing and for reading ‘Next Generation Network Marketing’. This manual was created in order to help anyone serious about Network Marketing go to the next …
Anthony Ekanem: Online Dating Bliss
Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simples …
Anthony Ekanem: Organic Gardening For Beginners
For some people, gardening is a passion. Some people garden just as a hobby. For still others, it’s a way to feed their families. We think Shirley Mac Claine’s character in ‘Steel Magnolias’ said it …
Anthony Ekanem: Squeeze Page Blueprint
Before you begin the attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a rigorous introduction to Squeeze Pages. In stark contrast to undifferentiated, u …
Anthony Ekanem: Thought Formation and Character Building
UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceeding …
Anthony Ekanem: Understanding Mental Health
When you hear the term ’emotional health or mental health’, what is the first thing that usually comes into your mind? According to researches, mental health normally includes social well-being perta …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Selling
On an average, a person encounters about three salespersons in a day. Your phone will ring one sunny morning; a jovial salesperson is on the other end of the line selling you cruise vacation tickets. …
Anthony Ekanem: A Healthier You
You can become a healthier, happier and more successful person by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will have to make changes to the overall you, not just change the amount of exerci …
Anthony Ekanem: Ever Young
What’s the purpose of staying young? You may ask. Well, there are a lot of positive aspects of staying young in a person’s life. Staying young is something that is in demand now. There are many ways …
Anthony Ekanem: Fundamentals of Home Security
It has been reported that a burglary now happens every 15 seconds. As such, the chances of your own home actually being at risk from a break-in are greatly increased, and it does not matter where you …
Anthony Ekanem: Staying Motivated
Motivation is what keeps us going. It is the reason people succeed and the reason people fail. Motivation is the drive someone has to complete a task. The ingredients of motivation are combined with …
Anthony Ekanem: Overcome Shyness
When we think of someone being shy, we may think of a child who is hiding behind the leg of her mother because she fears strangers. Shyness was once considered to be an asset for little girls as well …
Anthony Ekanem: Self-Publishing Guide for Independent Authors
If you have always dreamed of being a writer, you can live your dreams by writing your own book and then self-publishing. Self-publishing is the way that many writers today are choosing to get their …
Anthony Ekanem: Resume Writing Secrets
Everyone in the business world knows that having a good, strong resume can mean the difference between getting a job and not getting a job. You will need to have a resume that is crafted professional …
Anthony Ekanem: Restaurant Business
Having your own restaurant is one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable business ventures. Food is a renewable commodity. This means that people won’t stop looking for different sources of food becaus …
Anthony Ekanem: The Power of Positive, Creative and Innovative Thinking
You have probably had someone tell you to think positive when you were in a trying situation. That is because the power of positive thinking is something that is a widely held belief. Most people eas …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Problem Solving
You likely use problem solving every day. It is often taken for granted. People do not realize just how wonderful and important problem solving is. Most people do not even recognize it as a skill. In …
Anthony Ekanem: Dating Guide for Men
What do women want? This is a question that has baffled men since the beginning of time and men are no closer to understanding women than we were when we huddled around an open fire every night and l …
Anthony Ekanem: Bedroom Secrets for Men
The need to write this book arose because I wanted to help married men and women enjoy intimacy with their spouses. One of the most common reasons why marriages fail these days is the lack of sexual …
Anthony Ekanem: Facebook Marketing Secrets
Facebook is certainly one of the biggest internet phenomena of recent times. It has become so huge that almost all internet users and countless others know about it or use it regularly. It is for thi …
Anthony Ekanem: Female Infertility
Far too many women struggle to get pregnant and conceive a child naturally. This generally drives most people to visit a doctor or specialist to find out why they have so much difficulty conceiving a …
Anthony Ekanem: Before You Breakup
Relationships can end up either good or bad. When there are many complications between you and your partner during the relationship, there is no point in continuing together. You may end up with trou …
Anthony Ekanem: Breaking Bad Habits
Most of the things we do in life are done out of habit. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the actions we take throughout the day – our morning routine, our regular breakfast and our daily …
Anthony Ekanem: The Organized Life
Welcome to the digital age. While we take for granted much of the technology that surrounds us and the way it has changed the way we work and relax; it’s actually very important to recognize just how …
Anthony Ekanem: Your Road Map to Success
Having a sense of purpose in life goes a long way to helping you feel confident, secure and happy. A sense of purpose can be brought about by anything in life: it can be related to your career, bring …
Anthony Ekanem: The Public Speaker
You can become a professional public speaker as a lucrative sideline to your current business or you can make professional speaking the entire focus of your career. It’s up to you! Professional speak …
Anthony Ekanem: The Power of Humility
Words have enormous power. They can make us erupt into laughter or bring tears to our eyes. They can influence, inspire, manipulate and shock. They can build, and they can destroy. Some words have di …
Anthony Ekanem: How to Accomplish More in Less Time
The pace and intensity of our lives, both at work and at home, leave several of us feeling like a person riding a frantically galloping horse. Our day-to-day incessant busyness, too much to do and no …
Anthony Ekanem: Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace
Probably more people than you know spend the majority of their life and time working with others in an employment-related situation. And these people dont get to pick who their co-workers are. Unfort …
Anthony Ekanem: Self-Improvement and Motivation for Success
In order to be happy and satisfied, one needs to be motivated. Motivation basically gives us the hope to look ahead and dream higher. It is the force that propels us to go ahead. But why do we need t …
Anthony Ekanem: You Can Make it Happen
How many incomplete goals do you currently have on your agenda? If youre anything like the vast majority of us, chances are that you have hundreds of projects that you started and never completed, co …
Anthony Ekanem: Living With Dignity
Dignity is the intrinsic value and worth of a human being. Everyone is born with it, regardless of gender, social status, education, race, religion, creed, and other factors that may distinguish one …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Foreplay
The whole idea of this book is to teach you how to put a woman in the mood so that she will desire to have sex with you over and over again. If you are a man who is having difficulty connecting with …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Lasting Long in Bed
What is the cause of premature ejaculation? I am going to quickly talk about this before I go on to talk about how to tackle it. There are different causes of premature ejaculations and I usually lis …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Flirting
What do you know about flirting? This question might seem easy since we’ve all at least tried to get it done properly a couple of times. Dressing up to impress the opposite sex, complimenting them, a …
Anthony Ekanem: Sex Tricks Every Man Should Master
The main aim of this material is to give you a summarized version of 10 different things you should know and do in order to give you and your partner an unforgettable experience each time you are mak …
Anthony Ekanem: Manhood
If you are like me, you have been sent hundreds of emails promising you a quick solution to whatever penis problem you might have. The emails indicate that you are NOT alone. If there was not such a …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Foreplay

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to put a woman in the mood for sex, so she will desire to have sex with you over and again. If you are a man who has difficult …

Anthony Ekanem: Sex Tricks Every Man Should Master

The main aim of this material is to give you a summarized version of 10 different things you should know and do to give you and your partner an unforgettable experience ea …

Anthony Ekanem: Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Your heart is pounding fast and you are feeling dizzy. It seems as though you have to sit down for you not to fall. You are having trouble catching your breath. You are experiencing a numbi …
Anthony Ekanem: The Sex She Will Die For
The main aim of this book is to give you a summary of different things you should know and do in order to give yourself and your partner an unforgettable experience each time you are making love. &#x …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Flirting
What do you know about flirting? This question might seem easy since we’ve all at least tried to get it done properly a couple of times. Dressing up to impress the opposite sex, complimenting them, a …
Anthony Ekanem: Bedroom Secrets for Men

The need to write this book arose because I wanted to help married men and women enjoy intimacy with their spouses. One of the most common reasons why marriages fail these …

Anthony Ekanem: Manhood

As a man, you have probably been sent several emails promising you a quick solution to whatever penis or sexual problem you may have. The emails indicate that you are not …

Anthony Ekanem: Breaking Bad Habits
Most of the things we do in life are done out of habit. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the actions we take throughout the day – our morning routine, our regular breakfast, and our daily …
Anthony Ekanem: Living With Dignity
Dignity is the intrinsic value and worth of a human being. Everyone is born with it, regardless of gender, social status, education, race, religion, creed, and other factors that may distinguish one …
Anthony Ekanem: The Art of Lasting Long in Bed

What is the cause of premature ejaculation? I am going to quickly talk about this before I go on to talk about how to tackle it. There are different causes of prematu …

Anthony Ekanem: Restaurant Business

Having your own restaurant business is one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable business ventures. Food is a renewable commodity. This means people would not stop looking …

Anthony Ekanem: Self-Improvement and Motivational Tips for Success

We all have formed our definitions of happiness right from childhood. A lot of these perceptions are because of conditioned development, that is, they are a part of our ha …

Anthony Ekanem: Copywriting Mastery
If you are serious about being successful in an online business, then you must be able and willing to work hard to communicate with your buyers. If you aren’t willing to put in the kind of time …
Anthony Ekanem: Self-Improvement and Motivational Tips for Success
We all have formed our definitions of happiness right from childhood. A lot of these perceptions are because of conditioned development, that is, they are a part of our habits due to repetitive incul …
Anthony Ekanem: What Life Has Taught Me
Life is an extraordinary journey filled with lessons, experiences, and reflections that shape who we are. In writing ‘What Life Has Taught Me, ‘ I seek to share the insights I have gained through my …
Anthony Ekanem: What Life Has Taught Me

Life is an extraordinary journey filled with lessons, experiences, and reflections that shape who we are. In writing ‘What Life Has Taught Me, ‘ I seek to share the insigh …
