作者: Anthony Fung

Anthony Y.H. Fung is Director and Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also Professor in the School of Art and Communication at Beijing Normal University under the “Global Talents Scheme” and Chair Professor at Jinan University, China. His research interests and teaching focus on popular culture and cultural studies, gender and youth identity, cultural/creative industries and policy, and new media studies. He authored and edited more than 10 Chinese and English books. His recent books include Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media Corporations in China (2008), R iding a Melodic Tide: The Development of Cantopop in Hong Kong (2009) (in Chinese), Policies for the Sustainable Development of the Hong Kong Film Industry (2009), Imagining Chinese Communication Studies (2012), Melodic Memories: The Historical Development of Music Industry in Hong Kong (2012) (in Chinese), Asian Popular Culture: the Global (Dis)continuity (2013) and Chinese Youth Culture (2017).

30 电子书 Anthony Fung

Anthony Fung: Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy
This is the first book that sheds light on global game industries and cultural policy. The scope covers the emerging and converging theory and models on cultural industries and its development, and t …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Ketogénica – La Ciencia Y El Arte De La Dieta Keto
¿Cuál es la magia detrás de una gran dieta? Piensa en ello: ¿Por qué hay tantas dietas populares que ofrecen resultados tan diferentes? La respuesta podría ser cualquiera de estas dos cosas: Las pers …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Dash – A Ciência E Arte Da Dieta Dash
À procura de uma dieta que funcione? A Dieta DASH (Abordagens Dietéticas para Interromper a Hipertensão), te ensina a olhar para os alimentos em uma visão diferente. Esta dieta é conhecida por ser su …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Mediterránea – La Ciencia Y El Arte De La Dieta Mediterránea
¿Una dieta deliciosa y fácil de seguir, que quema grasas más rápido? ¡La dieta mediterránea! Si alguna vez has viajado al sur de Europa, es muy probable que hayas probado la comida mediterránea. Cono …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Chetogenica – La Scienza E L’Arte Della Dieta Cheto
Qual è la Magia dietro una Grande Dieta? Pensaci. Perché ci sono così tante diete popolari che offrono risultati così diversi? La risposta potrebbe essere una di queste: le persone non hanno uno stil …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: La Dieta Antiinflamatoria – La Ciencia Y El Arte De La Dieta Antiinflamatoria
¿Sabías que la dieta antiinflamatoria puede contribuir a una vida más larga y saludable? La inflamación es absolutamente importante para el cuerpo humano. Es una parte esencial del proceso de sanació …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Jejum Intermitente – A Ciência E A Arte Do Jejum Intermitente
Você está curioso para aprender os verdadeiros segredos da perda de peso? O jejum não é um conceito novo, na verdade ele existe desde o início da História Humana. Ele desempenhou um papel importante …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Mediterrânea – A Ciência E A Arte Da Dieta Mediterrânea
Uma dieta deliciosa e fácil de seguir, que queima gordura mais rapidamente? A dieta Mediterrânea Se você já viajou para o sul da Europa, é muito provável que tenha experimentado a comida mediterrânea …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Piccole Abitudini Per Perdere Peso: Dimentica Le Diete Cheto, Paleo, Mediterranea O Vegetariana
Stanco delle diete che non funzionano? Che cosa crea o distrugge una dieta? Al giorno d’oggi esistono migliaia di diete che offrono tutte lo stesso risultato veloce, ma quando? Ieri! Eppure i risulta …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Pequenos Hábitos Para A Perda De Peso: Esqueça As Dietas Keto, Paleo, Mediterrânea Ou Vegetariana
Cansado de dietas que não funcionam? O que faz ou acaba com uma dieta? Existem milhares de dietas hoje em dia e todas oferecem o mesmo: resultados rápidos. E quando? Ontem! Mas os resultados nunca ch …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Antinfiammatoria – La Scienza E L’arte Della Dieta Antinfiammatoria
Sapevi che una dieta anti infiammatoria può’ condurti ad una vita più’ longeva ed in salute? L’infiammazione e’ assolutamente importante nel corpo umano. E’ una parte essenziale nel processo di guari …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Le Régime Cretois – L’Art Et La Science Du Régime Alimentaire Méditerranéen
Un régime délicieux et facile à suivre, qui brûle les graisses plus rapidement? Le régime méditerranéen! Si vous avez déjà voyagé dans le sud de l’Europe, il est très probable que vous ayez goûté à l …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dieta Paleo – A Ciência E A Arte Da Dieta Paleo
** Português Brasileiro ** As suas raízes revelarão um conhecimento inestimável para perder peso… Encontrar a dieta certa sempre é uma tarefa difícil. Algumas são apenas modismos, não oferecendo re …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: A Dieta Paleo – Arte E Ciência Da Dieta Paleo
As tuas origens contêm conhecimento extraordinário para perder peso… Encontrar a dieta certa é sempre complicado. Algumas são dietas da moda, que não trazem resultados a longo prazo. Outras são tão r …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: A Dieta Anti-Inflamatória – A Ciência E A Arte Da Dieta Anti-Inflamatória
Você sabia que a dieta anti-inflamatória pode levar a uma vida mais longa e saudável? A Inflamação é absolutamente importante para o corpo humano. É uma parte essencial do processo de cura. O seu cor …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Weight Loss Mini Habits: Forget Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean or Vegetarian Diet
Tired of Non-Working Diets? What makes or breaks a diet? There are thousands of diets nowadays, and all offer the same: fast results, and when? Yesterday! But the results never come, and all there is …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Vegetarian Keto Diet – The Science and Art of Vegetarian Keto Diet
Losing Weight Fast Doesn’t Have to be A Challenge Finding the right formula to lose weight is not an easy task. With hundreds of diets available, it’s hard to understand which would work best for us. …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Keto Meal Plan – The Art of Keto Meal Plan
No More False Promises. Meet the Meal Plan of Your Dreams. Dieting can be extremely exhausting, especially if you only deprive yourself without seeing any tangible results. Is there a diet meal plan …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Anti Inflammatory Diet – The Science and Art of Anti Inflammatory Diet
Did You Know that the Anti-Inflammatory Diet can Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life? Inflammation is absolutely important to the human body. It’s an essential part of the healing process. Your body may …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Paleo Diet – The Science and Art of Paleo Diet
Your Roots will Reveal Priceless Knowledge to Lose Weight… Finding the right diet is always a difficult task. Some are just fads, and don’t offer solid results. Others, are extreme and seemingly im …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Keto Meal Plan + Anti Inflammatory Diet + Weight Loss Mini Habits: 3 Books in 1
Are You Looking For A Diet That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast and Stay Thin Permanently? Here’s the hard truth… How do you know which diet suits you the most? You might be thinking… “My friend introd …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1
Are You Looking For A Diet That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast and Stay Thin Permanently? Here’s the hard truth… How do you know which diet suits you the most? You might be thinking… “My friend introd …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Keto Diet + Intermittent Fasting + Mediterranean Diet: 3 Books in 1
Are You Looking For A Diet That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast and Stay Thin Permanently? Here’s the hard truth… How do you know which diet suits you the most? You might be thinking… “My friend introd …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Ketogenic Diet – The Science and Art of Keto Diet
What’s the Magic behind a Great Diet? Think about it: Why are there so many popular diets that offer such different results? The answer could be either one of these: People don’t have a suitable life …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Dash Diet – The Science and Art of Dash Diet
Looking for a Diet that Really Works? The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), teaches you to look at food in a different view. This diet is known for being super healthy, and helps y …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Intermittent Fasting – The Science and Art of Intermittent Fasting
Are You Curious to Learn the Real Secrets of Losing Weight? Fasting is not a new concept, actually it has been around since early in the Human History. It played an important role on many cultures an …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Mediterranean Diet – The Science and Art of Mediterranean Diet
A delicious and easy to follow diet, that burns fat faster? The Mediterranean Diet! If you’ve ever traveled to the south of Europe, it’s very likely that you had a taste of Mediterranean food. Known …
Anthony Fung & Jason T. William: Anti Inflammatory Diet – The Science and Art of Anti Inflammatory Diet
Did You Know that the Anti-Inflammatory Diet can Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life? Inflammation is absolutely important to the human body. It’s an essential part of the healing process. Your body may …
Alice Chik & Anthony Fung: Made in Hong Kong
Made in Hong Kong: Studies in Popular Music serves as a comprehensive and thorough introduction to the history, sociology, and musicology of twentieth- and twenty-first century popular music in Hong …
Alice Chik & Anthony Fung: Made in Hong Kong
Made in Hong Kong: Studies in Popular Music serves as a comprehensive and thorough introduction to the history, sociology, and musicology of twentieth- and twenty-first century popular music in Hong …