‘Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration. . . the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.’
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) remains a major influence in philosophy, especially in the areas of epistemology, ethics, theology, political theory and aesthetics. This brief history helpfully explains the development of Kant’s thought, and highlights its contemporary relevance, by considering each of his major works in their order of appearance.
The book has a brief chronology at the front plus a glossary of key terms and a list of further reading at the back.
Preface ix
List of abbreviations and conventions x
Chronology xii
Part 1
1 Kant’s early life 3
2 Early natural theology 7
3 Kant the professor 12
4 Kant’s Copernican revolution 16
5 The transcendental aesthetic 20
6 The deduction of the categories 23
7 The system of principles 28
8 The transcendental dialectic 33
9 The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 40
10 The Critique of Practical Reason 45
11 The analytic of the beautiful 50
12 Teleology in nature 56
13 Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason 60
14 The Metaphysics of Morals 66
Part 2
15 Idealism and empiricism 75
16 Logic and epistemology 80
17 From physics to metaphysics 85
18 Freedom and morality 90
19 Religion and politics 95
Glossary 100
Further reading 102
Index 105
Sir Anthony Kenny FBA was educated at Upholland College and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. From 1963 to 1989 he was at Balliol College, Oxford, first as Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, and then as Master. He later became Warden of Rhodes House, President of the British Academy and of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, and Chair of the Board of the British Library. In 2006 he was awarded the American Catholic Philosophical Association’s Aquinas Medal for his significant contributions to philosophy.