Kept in the Dark was published in 1882, the year of Trollope’s death. Cecilia Holt is in search of a husband, and finds one but fails to tell him about a prior botched engagement to Sir Francis Geraldine. Much is made of this deception, but all ends in a happy reconciliation. As is characteristic in Trollope’s novels, there’s a marvelous sub-plot: the comic counterpoint of Cecilia’s friend trying to snag Sir Francis.
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was a quintessential Victorian novelist best known for his series of novels, the Chronicles of Barsetshire, set in the imaginary county of Barsetshire. Tirelessly prolific, he tackled a rich assortment of the political, social, and gender issues of the day. As career employee of the British Postal System, he is credited with introducing the “pillar-box” mailboxes on street corners.