There is a gentle but profound revolution in human consciousness happening throughout the world — it has affected millions of people from all walks of life, and the numbers continue to multiply exponentially. The breakthroughs they have experienced are startlingly similar and are marked by a new sense of well-being, increased joy in life, diminished fear, and a natural impulse to serve and contribute to the world in a real way.
For more than a decade, Arjuna Ardagh has studied this worldwide advance in human consciousness marked by what he calls “translucents” — individuals who have undergone a spiritual awakening deeply enough that it has permanently transformed their relationship to themselves and to reality, while allowing them to remain involved in ordinary life.
The Translucent Revolution draws on the author’s dialogues with thousands of writers, teachers, and workshop participants around the world who display characteristics of “translucence.” He blends observation, anecdote, and research, including commentaries from leading pioneers in the field of human consciousness.
Arjuna Ardagh was educated in England, and earned a Master’s degree in literature from Cambridge University. From a very early age, he has had a passionate interest in spiritual awakening, and he began to practice meditation and yoga at the age of 14. In his late teens he trained as a meditation teacher and, after graduating from Cambridge, studied with a number of prominent spiritual teachers in India, Nepal, and Thailand as well as in Europe, and the U.S. He has developed the Living Essence Training, which prepares people to be facilitators of this shift in consciousness with others and cultivates ‘translucence.’ He and his staff have trained more than 450 practitioners in the U.S. and Europe. He teaches seminars throughout the U.S. and Europe, speaks at many international conferences, and has appeared on TV, radio, and in print media. He lives with his wife and two sons in Nevada City, California. His websites are: and