作者: Arlene Peters

DAVID PETERS married his wife Arlene in 1966. they did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.ARLENE PETERS married her husband David in 1966. They did their first three overseas missions terms together in Columbia between 1970- 1986. They then spent two terms in Brazil between 1987-1996. The Lord moved them to Mexico from 1997-2006 and then to Canada in 2006 where they have been since. David and Arlene have a daughter and son who both have their own families.

1 电子书 Arlene Peters

Arlene Peters & David Peters: By an Unfamiliar Path
By an Unfamiliar Path is about David and Arlene Peterscompetent, dedicated and effective missionaries whose mininstry has taken them from the primitive Paez Indian tribe in Colombia, to the exciting …