Who does not feel a suppressed start at the creaking of furniture in the dark of night? Who has not felt a shiver of goose flesh, controlled only by an effort of will? Who, in the dark, has not had the feeling of something behind him-and, in spite of his conscious reasoning, turned to look? This collection of ghost stories has some of the best stories ever written. This book will leave you chilled to the bone and looking over your shoulder.
He is known best for creating the series character Professor Craig Kennedy, sometimes called ‘The American Sherlock Holmes’, and Kennedy’s Dr. Watson-like sidekick Walter Jameson, a newspaper reporter, for 18 detective novels. Reeve is famous mostly for the 82 Craig Kennedy stories, published in Cosmopolitan magazine between 1910 and 1918. These were collected in book form; with the third collection, the short stories were published grouped together as episodic novels.