Roger Lancelyn Green was born in 1918. He loved storytelling and was fascinated by traditional fairy tales, myths and legends from around the world. His retellings include Egyptian, Greek and Norse legends, plus a retelling of Robin Hood. He died in 1987.
35 电子书 Arthur Hall
Arthur Hall: Demon of the Dusk
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are summoned to Theobald Grange, the Warwickshire home of Lady Heminworth. Being of a nervous and superstitious disposition, her Ladyship lives in fear. Her husband …
Arthur Hall: Demon of the Dusk
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are summoned to Theobald Grange, the Warwickshire home of Lady Heminworth. Being of a nervous and superstitious disposition, her Ladyship lives in fear. Her husband …
Arthur Hall: One Hundred per Cent Society
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson take on the case of Mr Avery Quill, whose daughter has mysteriously disappeared. The investigation has hardly begun when her body is discovered, and Mr Quill is hims …
Arthur Hall: One Hundred per Cent Society
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson take on the case of Mr Avery Quill, whose daughter has mysteriously disappeared. The investigation has hardly begun when her body is discovered, and Mr Quill is hims …
Arthur Hall: Secret Assassin
The body lying on its back before us was unquestionably that of the man who had attempted to kill Holmes and I with explosives, at Glenbury Gardens. He wore the same dark clothing, although his hat w …
Arthur Hall: Secret Assassin
The body lying on its back before us was unquestionably that of the man who had attempted to kill Holmes and I with explosives, at Glenbury Gardens. He wore the same dark clothing, although his hat w …
Arthur Hall: Phantom Killer
A visit from a young woman with a guilty conscience causes Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to investigate the arrest of her ex-fiance. Imprisoned while awaiting trial for the murder of the lover of …
Arthur Hall: Phantom Killer
A visit from a young woman with a guilty conscience causes Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to investigate the arrest of her ex-fiance. Imprisoned while awaiting trial for the murder of the lover of …
Roger Lancelyn Green: Adventures of Robin Hood
The classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning. Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking …
Arthur Hall: In Pursuit of the Dead
Holmes and Watson journey to the Lake District at the bidding of Squire Foley, who claims to be tormented by a man he believes he has killed in a duel. After an unsatisfactory conclusion they return …
Arthur Hall: In Pursuit of the Dead
Holmes and Watson journey to the Lake District at the bidding of Squire Foley, who claims to be tormented by a man he believes he has killed in a duel. After an unsatisfactory conclusion they return …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’incidente dei ladri che non rubarono
Giallo – racconto (19 pagine) – Una tragedia del passato collega un terribile segreto… Una casa vuota e una coppia di ladri scomparsi nel nulla senza portare con sé la refurtiva. Sono questi gli el …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura dei dieci uomini somiglianti
Giallo – racconto lungo (32 pagine) – Dieci sconosciuti alti e prestanti appaiono misteriosamente nella sonnolenta cittadina di Tarnfields… Una donna proveniente dal piccolo paesino di Tarnfields, …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura di Canal Reach
Giallo – racconto lungo (24 pagine) – Sherlock Holmes, nel pieno di una crisi di noia, riceve dal fratello Mycroft lo spunto per una nuova indagine… Chi si nasconde dietro al gioviale Peter Smith? …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura del cocchiere fantasma
Giallo – racconto lungo (30 pagine) – Spie filotedesche, misteriose apparizioni, un furto di un documento segreto… Sherlock Holmes ha molto su cui indagare… Un misterioso cocchiere fantasma si pr …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura dell’architetto spaventato
Giallo – racconto lungo (28 pagine) – Una seduta spiritica con finale a sorpresa Sherlock Holmes viene chiamato a svelare un presunto tentativo di truffa nascosto dietro una seduta spiritica. Delle i …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura delle apparizioni al chiaro di luna
Giallo – racconto (14 pagine) – Un percorso impervio nel bel mezzo di un violento temporale e una serie di eventi dai contorni soprannaturali… Sherlock Holmes viene convocato d’urgenza presso la re …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura di Marcus Davery
Giallo – racconto lungo (25 pagine) – Un’ondata di strani suicidi sotto Natale, cosa può esserci di più intrigante per Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock Holmes, del tutto immune all’euforia prenatalizia, si …
Arthur Hall: Further Little-Known Cases of Sherlock Holmes
Revelations from the despatch box of Doctor John Watson. These seven stories previously featured in various volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and other anthologies. They come toge …
Arthur Hall: Further Little-Known Cases of Sherlock Holmes
Revelations from the despatch box of Doctor John Watson. These seven stories previously featured in various volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and other anthologies. They come toge …
Arthur Hall: Tales From the Annals of Sherlock Holmes
Seven tales that have appeared in various anthologies, including the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories from master pastiche author Arthur Hall.A client who is uncertain of his brother’s demise; …
Arthur Hall: Tales From the Annals of Sherlock Holmes
Seven tales that have appeared in various anthologies, including the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories from master pastiche author Arthur Hall.A client who is uncertain of his brother’s demise; …
Arthur Hall: Justice Master
Inspector Lestrade brings Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson an account of six murders. The only fact common to them all is that the victims had all served terms of imprisonment for serious crimes. It …
Arthur Hall: Justice Master
Inspector Lestrade brings Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson an account of six murders. The only fact common to them all is that the victims had all served terms of imprisonment for serious crimes. It …
Arthur Hall: Additional Investigations of Sherlock Holmes
Additional revelations from the despatch box of Doctor John Watson. These seven stories previously featured in various volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and other anthologies. The …
Arthur Hall: Additional Investigations of Sherlock Holmes
Additional revelations from the despatch box of Doctor John Watson. These seven stories previously featured in various volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and other anthologies. The …
Arthur Hall: Experience Club
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are visited by Mr Josiah Endicott, an injured enquiry agent who believes that three recent murders are connected.He explains that he was attacked shortly after inter …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’incidente della Contessa sconvolta
Giallo – racconto lungo (21 pagine) – Transazioni economiche non ricordate e un inganno iniziato molti anni addietro. Una vecchia conoscenza di Sherlock Holmes si reca a Baker Street per aiutare la c …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e le indagini sul contabile perseguitato
Giallo – racconto lungo (28 pagine) – Un losco individuo perseguita un mite contabile. Ma dietro questo caso si nasconte un terribile segreto che stravolgerà l’indagine di Sherlock Holmes Un mite con …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e il caso del secondo assassino di Whitechapel
Giallo – racconto lungo (31 pagine) – L’ombra di Jack lo Squartatore torna nel distretto di Whitechapel Una serie di orribili omicidi nel distretto di Whitechapel, getta di nuovo su Londra l’ombra di …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’incidente dell’ostaggio di elevata importanza
Giallo – racconto lungo (30 pagine) – Un morto… che non è morto. Un funerale frettoloso. In una indagine che conduce nelle alte sfere del governo britannico. Un uomo affranto per la recente scompar …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e il mistero della sorella silenziosa
Giallo – racconto lungo (23 pagine) – Vuoti di memoria e ostinato silenzio. Il signor Septimus Todd si reca a Baker Street per fare luce sugli strani comportamenti della sorella Elinora. Quest’ultima …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’enigma della casa abbandonata
Giallo – racconto lungo (28 pagine) – Due misteriosi individui rapiscono una sartina per errore. Una giovane sarta viene rapita e malmenata da due misteriosi individui, che la ritengono in possesso d …
Arthur Hall: Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura del banchiere preoccupato
Giallo – racconto lungo (33 pagine) – Indagini sulla sparizione di un ispettore di Scotland Yard. La scomparsa di un ispettore di Scotland Yard spinge Lestrade a richiedere l’aiuto di Sherlock Holmes …
Arthur Hall: Experience Club
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are visited by Mr Josiah Endicott, an injured enquiry agent who believes that three recent murders are connected.He explains that he was attacked shortly after inter …