When adolescence meets youth, the lips naturally start humming. This experience of touching the threshold of youth on part of Rabindra was that of a poet, and, as a consequence, lyrics started to spring forth like a fountain, lyrics overflowing with fathomless faith and devotion for humanity and God, full of fond complaintsand their collection became Geetanjali.
These writings ensuing from the depth of the heart became the worlds finest creation, and was awarded the Nobel Prize. This honor aside, this collection possesses the marvelous capability of touching the heart, and immersing it in the sea of love and intimacy with the divine.
This immortal work of Rabindra Nath Tagore shall remain a venerated reading for ages.
Ashok Sinha holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics, and is also interested in literature and spirituality. He has written 20 books in English and in Hindi, including in physics, satellite and Mobile Telecommunications theory, poetry, fiction, plays, religion, and translations of certain classics. He worked at NASA and INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, Washington, D.C., USA), contributing in Elementary Particle Physics Theory (including mathematical modeling of the so-called ‘GOD’s Particles’), Cosmology, Space Physics research, and satellite telecommunications technology. Currently he lives in Santa Clara, California (USA) with his wife. [ [email protected] ]