作者: B. Caine

MARY SPONGBERG is Head of the Department of History, Politics and International Relations at Macquarie University, Australia. She is author of Feminising Venereal Disease and Writing Women”s History Since the Renaissance, and editor of Australian Feminist Studies. ANN CURTHOYS is an Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia. She is the author of For and Against Feminism: A Personal Journey into Feminist Theory and History, and (with John Docker) of Is History Fiction? BARBARA CAINE is Professor of History at Monash University, Australia. Her publications include Destined to be Wives: The Sisters of Beatrice Webb and she is the General Editor of Australian Feminism: A Companion.

2 电子书 B. Caine

M. Spongberg & A. Curthoys: Companion to Women’s Historical Writing
This A-Z reference work provides the first comprehensive reference guide to the wide range of historical writing with which women have been involved, particularly since the Renaissance. The Companion …
B. Caine: Rethinking Historical Distance
The idea of distance is one of the defining principles of modern historical method. This volume gives the discussion of historical distance new breadth, flexibility and importance by incorporating di …