Ron Elsdon is a retired former rector of St. Bartholomew's Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He has written and lectured for many years on the subject of creation and care for the environment.William Olhausen studied theology at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford and has been ordained in the Anglican Church since 1998. Since 2011, he has served as a parish minister in the Diocese of Dublin, Ireland.
10 电子书 Bartholomew
Menez & Vile: Summaries of Leading Cases on the Constitution
First published in 1954, Summaries of Leading Cases on the Constitution quickly became the gold standard for concise summaries of important U.S. Supreme Court cases on constitutional law. Covering de …
John Chryssavgis & Bruce V. Foltz: Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration
Can Orthodox Christianity offer spiritual resources uniquely suited to the environmental concerns of today? This book makes the case emphatically that it can indeed. In addition to being the first su …
Ron Elsdon & William Olhausen: Transformed in Christ
Is your faith countercultural?When he wrote his first epistle to the church in Corinth, Paul wanted to address two cultural issues that the Christians in the city were wrestling with: prosperity and …
Donald L. Morcom: Living in God’s True Story
We all need a reminder of the true story at the heart of the gospel.In the face of false teachers and skeptics, Peter wrote his second epistle to remind his readers of God’s true story. They needed t …
Benjamin T. Quinn: Walking in God’s Wisdom
Get wisdom, get insight (Prov 4:5)The book of Proverbs is an invitation to ‘get wisdom.’ But wisdom isn’t so easily defined or found. Without discernment, we can be swayed by teachers or sayings that …
Mark R. Glanville: Freed to Be God’s Family
Family provides community, identity, and shared values.In the book of Exodus, God frees Israel from slavery to Egypt. But they are not left as orphans. Rather, the redeemed are made into a new family …
Dean Flemming: Self-Giving Love
‘Have this mind among yourselves…’Everyone needs examples. We all need mentors we admire and after whom we can pattern our lives. Without them, we will not mature.Philippians is a letter full of go …