Explore a world of possibilities with your Samsung Galaxy S 4
Everything’s more exciting when you’ve got the
Galaxy in your hand. Let For Dummies be your guide to
getting the most out of your Galaxy S 4. You’ll cruise
through the smartphone basics and set up process before moving on
to the fun stuff like staying in touch with e-mail and texting,
surfing the web, navigating with maps, shooting and sharing photos
and video, watching movies, listening to music, and so much more.
Whether you’re entering the smartphone world for the first
time or just moving up to the Galaxy S 4, you’ll stay on
course with this one-of-a-kind reference.
* Provides easy-to-understand advice to help you find your way
around your Galaxy S 4 smartphone, get to know all the built-in
features, and start making calls
* Explains the Galaxy S 4 features using full-color screenshots
and images and step-by-step instructions on accessing the Internet,
sending and receiving e-mail, texting, taking photos, recording
videos, downloading apps, managing your calendar, and organizing
your contacts
* Shows you easy ways to customize your Galaxy S 4 for your needs
with cool apps and accessories
You’ll experience the world in a whole new way with
this spectacular smartphone and Samsung Galaxy S 4 For
Dummies by your side!
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with the Samsung Galaxy S 4 7
Chapter 1: Exploring What You Can Do with Your Phone 9
Chapter 2: Beginning at the Beginning 21
Part II: Communications 49
Chapter 3: Calling People 51
Chapter 4: Discovering the Joy of Text 63
Chapter 5: Sending and Receiving E-Mail 71
Chapter 6: Managing Your Contacts 87
Part III: Live on the Internet: Going Mobile 103
Chapter 7: You’ve Got the Whole (Web) World in Your Hands
Chapter 8: Introducing Google’s Play Store 117
Part IV: Entertainment Applications 137
Chapter 9: Sharing Pictures 139
Chapter 10: Playing Games 161
Chapter 11: Mapping Out Where You Want to Be 171
Chapter 12: Playing Music and Video 185
Part V: Productivity Applications 215
Chapter 13: Using the Calendar 217
Chapter 14: On the Road Again: Taking Your Work with You on Your
Phone 229
Chapter 15: Chatting Up Your Phone with S-Voice 241
Part VI: The Part of Tens 251
Chapter 16: Ten (Or So) Ways to Make Your Phone Totally Yours
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Make Your Phone Secure 265
Chapter 18: Ten Features to Look for Down the Road 281
Index 287
Bill Hughes is a veteran marketing strategist with more than 20 years of experience in sales, strategic marketing, and business development. He has held positions at IBM, General Electric, Motorola, and U. S. WEST Cellular, and assisted Microsoft in enhancing its marketing to mobile app developers.